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Not doing my Master's degree program immediately I graduated from the university will be my biggest regret. Now, I don't have the time or money to finance it.

Education cost a lot of money today and it's the reason why there are so many people who are in serious debt because of taking educational loan so that they are going to attend universities. If it's something that you know you wouldn't be up to dealing with financially, it is better for you to overlook doing it until you are capable of doing so.
I have a lot of regrets in my life, however, I do not concentrate on my past mistakes, therefore, I do not dwell in my regrets. One of my biggest regrets is related to how I wasted my bitcoin. Once, I had almost 1 BTC. If I had kept my bitcoins, I would have a lot of money now and my life would have been little easier.
Dwelling on your past is a very big mistake because there is nothing about the past that is going to contribute anything positive in your life. You simply need to remember the mistakes that you have made in the past so that you will not repeat them in the future. Having those mistakes weigh you down is something that is not advisable.
I have so many regrets, there are times I have said some hurtful things to certain persons, there are times I have regretted acting immature towards my loved ones, there are certain actions I regret not taking now, but one thing I have come to learn so far is to never dwell on regrets or let it control the actions i take now.
I have a few regrets in life, mostly around opportunities missed or things I wish I had done differently. However, I try not to dwell on them too much. Regretting the past is unproductive. we can only learn from our mistakes and move forward.
I mostly don't regret anything because it's such a feeling that destroys my condition very much. If I regret some events, it won't change anything and I won't be able to change it, so the best option for me is to live with it and adapt
Feeling regret is a waste of time, what has happened has happened. Man needs to move on and try as much as possible to make better decisions in the near future.
I have regretted hurting all the girls I got to hurt. I was privileged to have good girls come my way but I hurt them all by cheating on them. Now, I am in regrets of the current girl that I am with because she is not as good as the girls that I got to hurt.
Yes, I have a few regrets in life and I don't think there is any harm in accepting but I am not going to share the details of these regrets
Yes, I have a few regrets in life and I don't think there is any harm in accepting but I am not going to share the details of these regrets
We have all make mistakes in life, so it is very normal for us to feel regret. But what is important is that we don't dwell too much on these regrets because there's nothing we can do to change them.
We have all make mistakes in life, so it is very normal for us to feel regret. But what is important is that we don't dwell too much on these regrets because there's nothing we can do to change them.
You nailed it, I feel bad thinking about those things and feel I should not have done that or should have done that in a different way but its past and I should move on
I regret not standing up to bullies when I was in school back then. I suffered a great deal at their hands which no body should. I was too afraid to do anything.
Though what you did was the right thing, but I can imagine how what you went through would affect you. This days this why no one wants to stand up for the right thing, cause in the end no one would stand for them.
I deeply regret that I have never told my so called "parents" what I really think of them. I just hold back and can't do it. The old man is 75% dead as he is always in the hospital due to his drinking. My old hag of a mother is so hopped up on pills that she can barely even talk. So why should I bother at all, what would be the point?

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