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Positive body image



Oct 30, 2023
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How do you cultivate a more positive body image and practice self-love? Some of the strategies that have worked for me is appreciating my body for its strength, resilience, and unique qualities rather than comparing myself with unrealistic standards of celebrity bodies. I also surround myself with positive influences and affirmations, and practice self-compassion and acceptance. Activities that make me feel good greatly helps me
Living a healthy lifestyle is one of the best way you can cultivate a very good body image because when you see yourself being healthy from the lifestyle you are living, it is going to encourage you to keep on doing that so that you will not compromise your health and that is going to make it difficult for you to survive.
Someone once said how we view and value our body, would be the same way others view and value us. Be proud of your body, no matter the size of shape. Take time out to take care of your body so you can be fit and healthy.
Having a high self-esteem will also make one to maintain a good and positive body image. And the way you project yourself to people is the way they will feel about you, so if you maintain a good positive image, people will also feel positive vibes whenever they are around you.
Cultivating a positive body image and practicing self-love requires intentional effort. Start by acknowledging and appreciating the unique beauty of your body, rather than comparing yourself to unrealistic societal standards.
I'm in good shape and sometimes go over to my best friends place and lift weights. He has all the equipment there like a bench press etc. I'm 180 solid pounds on a 5'8" frame. I like the way I look and have never had problems attracting the opposite sex.
It is important to be positive about your body but some people are so confused that they try to say "I am proud of my body" even when they are 200 kilos. being obese is not good for your health, therefore, you should not live in this confusion that you are proud of your body even when your condition is clinical.