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My favorite Sunday Food

This Sunday was spent outside and I ate all the fast food and momos and it was lovely Sunday for me.
Every Sunday I am thrilled to eat my lunch. I only eat grilled fish tuna and crabs every Sunday. I dip the grilled fish with a chili sauce. On other days I also eat grilled things but it is not fish tuna belly but chicken legs and feet. Chicken feet contain collagen and that is what I like most. What is your favorite food? Maybe you order to eat veggies only or fruits only. Some people do not eat meat and fish only vegetables. They are vegetarians. In my case, I cannot survive without eating fish daily and meat thrice a week. I feel so energetic the whole day and week.
That was awesome you really have a wonderful choice but I prefer to pizza on Sunday with low sugar drinks that's all for me and I don't get tired of repeating my self
That was awesome you really have a wonderful choice but I prefer to pizza on Sunday with low sugar drinks that's all for me and I don't get tired of repeating my self
That is so good of you, we have different preferences. We love near the sea and you are perhaps living far from the sea. We seldom eat pizza it is full of carbo, but it is your choice. We eat according to our choice of food. There are Sundays we eat only fruits associated with hot tea or ice cream with moist choco.
I did enjoyed my favorite meal this past Sunday and it was all good as I was able to relax and enjoyed my time at home
I did enjoyed my favorite meal this past Sunday and it was all good as I was able to relax and enjoyed my time at home
What was your meal last Sunday. Ours at home only fruits, veggie and ice cream. We did not eat rice. My sister felt lazy grilling native chicken I bought in the market but it was our dinner. How nice to be always Sunday. We can relax well and rest well after eating.
What was your meal last Sunday. Ours at home only fruits, veggie and ice cream. We did not eat rice. My sister felt lazy grilling native chicken I bought in the market but it was our dinner. How nice to be always Sunday. We can relax well and rest well after eating.
It was my favorite chick peas and Wheat bread deep fried and tastes yummy when you eat it fresh and hot
It was my favorite chick peas and Wheat bread deep fried and tastes yummy when you eat it fresh and hot
Wow, chickpeas are available there now. I do not know why there is none sold here. Chickpeas are also my favorite but until now for almost two years no chickpeas sold even online. Maybe there are problems of the farmers planting about this veggie. It might be difficult to plant.
Wow, chickpeas are available there now. I do not know why there is none sold here. Chickpeas are also my favorite but until now for almost two years no chickpeas sold even online. Maybe there are problems of the farmers planting about this veggie. It might be difficult to plant.
I am also not sure why these are not available there but maybe you can someday come to India and then buy 5-10 kgs lol
I am also not sure why these are not available there but maybe you can someday come to India and then buy 5-10 kgs lol
Nah, it's so scary to travel to India because of the negative issues and crimes there especially rape with murder crimes. It's not safe for me to travel to your country. I love to travel to the UK. It is a peaceful country like New Zealand.
It's your choice and if you feel unsafe then its fine because there have been such issues in the past too
It's not only in the past but also the recent issue this time a young doctor raped and murdered by almost 15 criminals who are still at large this time. Maybe in big cities in Delhi and Mumbai there are no issues like those in the past and present. Well what is important is we liked our dishes last Sunday.
I know this should not have happened and its the politicians that are behind the criminals that are still not arrested
That is the worse issue if a criminals are sons and daughters of politicians. But my neighbor a politician did not cover his son doing an illegal act. His son traffic drugs, so he jailed his son and was convicted and stayed behind bars for 8 years. You also have dirty politics there hard to eliminate.
On Sundays we as a family likes to have Poha and we add all the veggies in the poha. For lunch we mostly prepare pakoras which are fritters made of Onions, Potatoes, Green chillies.