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Other My entry for the international poetry contest last year



Mar 18, 2024
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Hi guys? I just want to share with you my entry poem for the international poetry contest last year. I only won third but this eat, I aspire to win. The prize for the winner is always $ 2000. I oy won $75 😁 . My bad, my mistake was, that my entry poem was too long. This time, I made it too short but am still following the standard length. Below is my entry poem from last year.


Green, green grasses, you delight my heart

You look magnificent and are glorified by your pure scent

Tempests may come and go, but you always renew

Are you shy and timid, or just a semblance of purity?

Your ancestors may turn brown and be buried to the ground

But your descendants emerge from the golden and scattered roots

The sunshine is your source of strength, and the wind is your breath

The rain is your powerful friend that lets you sustain

You may be small or tall, but you are vast and wonderful

People may dislike, ignore, or want to erase you from their sights

But they do not know your might, and you fight

But you understand their fright

Your thorns are razor-sharp, and your leaves itch their skin

That could create a deep wound

But for the animals, you are so tender, not a foe

Green, green grasses insects play hide-and-seek

Even snakes adore your shades and turn their skin green to help you mend

From the cruelties of the passers spitting, throwing, burning, and thumping you in madness

Green, green grasses; I see the dewdrops

They are like teardrops, pure and clean

You amaze my soul once in a while

You refreshed me and constantly swayed your leaves in love

I want to touch your leaves and smell your hay

Wishing someone would create a road at the center of your solitude

To feel the presence of humans who are not all unkind and toxic

Some of your generations serve as food for hungry birds

Pricking your sweet leaves and gently devouring the sip

Some of your kind have hard-to-trip bodies covered with itchy prunes

Some people want to see you invisible; their eyes are blind to seeing you cure

Your breath, people breathe the air that carries them to their lungs

They do not see or feel it, but disregard the source and origin

From the green, green grasses that exude life

Green, green grasses, you embrace the earth, the universe of mankind

You cover the land, but your residue returns to the now-barren fields

The impact is so rare because you fertilize the land, the source of life

You adorn the land untilled by its owner

Bad occupants retreat, for you are there with vast accomplices

That withdraws the whims of the intruders

They cannot eradicate you with their filthy hands

You are magnificent, it is hard to uproot your roots with their bare hands

The smoke may spread, putting people at risk if intruders use force to burn

Thus making the scene fantastic, the real owners will be quick to rescue you

Bad elements may seek help by hiding in your thick shadows

But your thorns and itchy leaves denied their refuge and made an exit

Green, green, grasses, you serve many purposes

One thing humans must not forget to assess

That you are the semblance of life, hope, and prosperity

You are a true creation of God, the immortal One

And as you kiss the setting sun, your remnants follow your footsteps

Helping humans to feel life, aspire to hope, and enjoy abundance till eternity

You are the East and the West conspired by the South and the North

That is how vast you are in the universe of the immortals

Storms may rock you, but they can never carry you away

From the face of the earth to serve humanity

You may be wrecked, but the next day you will be green and green again

Because…. You are LIFE.

The poem is wonderful, though I feel that it doesn't have that rhyme that characterizes poetry. Is it not a requirement?
The poem is wonderful, though I feel that it doesn't have that rhyme that characterizes poetry. Is it not a requirement?
No, it is not a requirement. If you only read the first prize winner you will be surprised. It seems not good for our eyes but it is their rules. The poem of the champion was just like writing a paragraph.
The poem is actually pretty nice. It's never easy to compose poems. I have a friend who writes poems sometimes. I takes to actually sit and write something out.
Sorry I skipped the poetry LOL but I would like to wish you the best of luck and I hope you get #1 position in this International poetry contest
Thank you so much @eLdavis, yes it was not easy to compose this poem. It took me one week to finish and polish my entry poem. Thanks you @Ginger , this was my entry last year. I also have submitted my entry for the 2024 International competition. I made it shorter. I hope to win first prize 😁.
It's not easy to write poetry like that and as per my knowledge you are doing it from years now
Thank you so much @eLdavis, yes it was not easy to compose this poem. It took me one week to finish and polish my entry poem. Thanks you @Ginger , this was my entry last year. I also have submitted my entry for the 2024 International competition. I made it shorter. I hope to win first prize 😁.
Good luck in the competition this time around.
Good luck in the competition this time around.
I am also hesitant if the judges are not racists considering those winners who were mostly from the USA. There were 20 winners in the second place and 20 among us winners in the 3rd place. I was only from Asia who won the international contest . Despite third prize but it means a lot to me.
I am also hesitant if the judges are not racists considering those winners who were mostly from the USA. There were 20 winners in the second place and 20 among us winners in the 3rd place. I was only from Asia who won the international contest . Despite third prize but it means a lot to me.
Winning third is not an easy feat, especially since you are the only one from Asia.
Winning third is not an easy feat, especially since you are the only one from Asia.
Yes,it is true and there were 20 of us rewarded at $ 75 and 20 in the 2nd prize. They received $ 100 each. If you have a chance to read the poem of the winner, you can say that it is not worth to be called the winning entry. The first info was that, it was from Kenya who won but after some minutes it was changed, to a winner from Canada It was very unfair. The poem was from a Kenyan and was a very amazing poem, very nice. He did not receive any award dunno why,
Absolutely very good and nice I really enjoy the poem I guess you are the top among the contestant you really try and I wished you the best all the way
Absolutely very good and nice I really enjoy the poem I guess you are the top among the contestant you really try and I wished you the best all the way
Thank you dear, I only won third place. I hope that in this year's entry I could place even in the second place. The contest results will be announced on January next year and the end date for the entry submission is this month, August 22.