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  • We have now changed the post count rule to post your website in the Website Directory and the Member Showcase to 10, this was previously 50 but we felt it was too high. You can read more about this change here >>> https://discussionhub.net/threads/update-of-rules-for-the-member-showcase.4356/

Let us know about earning sites.

Even when one is there for having fun and using the free hours for some productive time online, one is always in look out for the site which has better earnings prospective. Every one loves to make more money. Extra pennies don't hurt

Exactly, that is what I think. I always try to use my precious time on something where I may have fun and earn some extra pennies while having fun. And that is the reason I have made forums a part of my life.
Exactly, that is what I think. I always try to use my precious time on something where I may have fun and earn some extra pennies while having fun. And that is the reason I have made forums a part of my life.
It's the same case with me. There might be days when I go totally missing from a site or all sites together. I don't stress over such things. I prioritise my things and make a to do list. Online hustles are only the fillers in the day. And I love that they bring me some extra pennies.

I am glad you reached this mark in a very short time, well done and way to go Arunima, I hope you reach 1000 even sooner
Thank you. I will look forward to that. I might get busy with the coming few weeks with semester end approaching. Let's see how much of pace I am able to keep up with.
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For does who might have not heard about discussion bucks. It's also a discussion forum like this one, but the difference is you can exchange your points for cash. It's an awesome forum that is still expanding with a lot of potential.
Was this forum still exits I never taught about for a long time I will be glad to join if so

We are all here to earn from the sites. You may be familiar with some earnings sites, which I may not. I would request that members of DH enlighten me and tell me a few of the good sites to earn. It's not only for me but also for the benefit of people who want to earn money online.
Yes you are right but probably but I tend to to forget many site because I ain't no time I am now still studying I only have just few hours in a day
Was this forum still exits I never taught about for a long time I will be glad to join if so

Yes you are right but probably but I tend to to forget many site because I ain't no time I am now still studying I only have just few hours in a day
Discussion bucks is still existing and it is doing very well. I think you should try it out. You are definitely going have a great time there.
Here you advertise if you are a writer, or a SEO, a graphic designer, a personal assistant , etc. or whatever services you can provide.
Is this a freelancing site? It sounds so strange to me that l would look at it.
I had a similar issue, I got banned as well, and the reason was that I had multiple accounts. I tried contacting the admin so the issue could be clarified because I had just one active account, but I could not reach the admin. I even sent emails and filled their forums so they can investigate properly but no response till date.
For me while on the earning sites l ensure that l go by the rules and regulations for the site to avoid unnecessary bans.
@Mad Hatter . Can you tell us a little more about Digital Point? Are you a member there? Is it another paid to post forum?
A little elaboration will help many of us. Thank you.

@Mad Hatter . Can you tell us a little more about Digital Point? Are you a member there? Is it another paid to post forum?
A little elaboration will help many of us. Thank you.
Yes, it's a good and trusted site. You can also join Index referral which is also a good site.
Yes I have been active on index forum for a long time and my experience there has been awesome. And i think it's quicker for me to clock a dollar there compared to other sites. @Amdhone3qq this is the link

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