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Last words of pilots

The V

The V

100 Posts Club
DH Member
I discovered this yesterday and I am so sad to know these people had such words before their planes crashed. Here are few:

God! I feel terrible watching these all over again knowing very well that hundreds of people died from these crashes. I don't blame my kid sister for never wanting to be on a plane.
It is amazing how, in the last video, pilot accepted his faith and said "Lord, you have my soul". So amazing to have such words before death.
It is amazing how, in the last video, pilot accepted his faith and said "Lord, you have my soul". So amazing to have such words before death.
When you're looking at your death as it comes, it can arrest anyone. It's good he's a believer and committed his soul to the lord before it happened. I'm very sure he's in the bossom of the lord now.
Very sad to read that. I cannot imagine what goes through someone's mind knowing that in just a few moments they will die in such a terrible way, with no way of being able to stop it. The pilot that said "Ma, I love you" got to me.
It was very heartbreaking hearing the pilot say that Ma, I love you. Even in his last moments, he has his mother in his heart. I've come across some discussions on forums where it's talked about needing to know when you will die. I would never want to find myself in such situation. It's nothing to be exciting about.
Those passengers whom were in the plane when it crashed in your country but had the time to be streaming it was only lucky the crash was not anything serious. Maybe the plane had a slight malfunction which made the pilot to crash land in a haste. If it was a serious crash, they will be scared for their lives.

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