Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

Last person you spoke to?

I spoke to the cat we talked about meow
It's cool to talk to animals, but they don't answer, but there are parrots that can answer during training, so I someday plan to buy one so that I can hear some answer to my question
The last person I spoke to was my sister a few minutes ago, it was through a Whatsapp chat, and we talked about a movie I was trying to download that is taking too long due to the crappy network at my work location.
The last person I spoke to was my sister a few minutes ago, it was through a Whatsapp chat, and we talked about a movie I was trying to download that is taking too long due to the crappy network at my work location.
I also write to my sister very often for such reasons, because she often downloads movies and has much more experience. HOWEVER, I plan to buy a subscription to a streaming platform in order to forget about those pirate sites and be able to watch in cool quality
The last person I talked to was my best friend on the phone.
I also write to my sister very often for such reasons, because she often downloads movies and has much more experience. HOWEVER, I plan to buy a subscription to a streaming platform in order to forget about those pirate sites and be able to watch in cool quality
That's awesome. I have some streaming apps but I don't normally use them that often cause I know I would have to use data in watching them. So most times I just prefer downloading them, so I can also be able to watch them anywhere.
My roommate. He called to ask what we will be eating at home tonight, so I told him to start preparing some things while I also branch by the market and get food stuffs.
The last person I spoke to was my good friend. We chatted over coffee earlier today about her recent trip to Dubai.
The last person I spoke to was my brother, who I hadn't seen for quite some time, specifically about 4 months, since Christmas.
The last person I spoke to was one of my younger sons just a moment ago.
The last person I was talking to was my daughter. I was telling her to take her medicines as she slept without having them. She had them and slept again.
The last person was a new employee that I had to come in to train down at the warehouse.
The last person I spoke to was my daughter just a little bit ago.
I was discussing with my best friend, we where taking about customers who can be very demanding but do not want to pay for their work's worth.
My mom was the last person that I spoke to.
The last person I was talking to was my daughter. I was telling her to take her medicines as she slept without having them. She had them and slept again.
Oh! That's lovely. What is wrong with her? Hope she is feeling better and stronger this morning?
She has acne and is on treatment with a skin specialist. She has to take lots of medicines and apply lotion on her face and head. The doctor has ensured she will look better in mid June. Let's see
I spoke with my mum last. She called me earlier today and asked how I'm doing. She is one in a million, I'm so lucky to have her.