Discussion Hub

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Movies Last movie you watched?

American Sicario on Hulu was the last movie that I watched.

I saw Star Wars (1977) at the cinema last Sunday and going to see Empire Strikes Back on Saturday. Yay!
I am watching one Hindi movie called Swami from 2007 right now as I write this. I watched half of it last evening while doing my assignment. Nothing too great, it's just a simple family drama.
The last movie I watched was too emotional for me. "Five feet apart" was recommended from Tiktok and I decided to watch it. I haven't delete it because I will rewatch it again. Movie was a good one for me.
The last movie I watched was 1992. It's one of the latest movies that was released recently this year. It's a movie where a shopkeeper must save his son from an angry mob during the 1992 L.A. uprising after the Rodney King verdict.
