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Isn't Google a blessing for us?



Mar 24, 2024
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If you look at Google products then you'll realize that it's a blessing for us. It's email service, Video streaming service, Cloud, Web and mobile browser, all are so useful. Google photos is also a very good and useful way to access your photos from any device.
True, majority of the google products and apps are really amazing. I heard their phone is also on another level. Just haven't been able to have my hands on it just yet.
Google Pixel phones are also amazing and Google always provide it's best services to it's clients.
Google is so important for me and I have never used any Other browser and like Google chrome only and also like YouTube shorts, YouTube, Gmail and Google photos.
Yes, it is a blessing for me as I have been using all the apps of Google and they are all work well. I don't think there is any alternative to YouTube and chrome which I use.
Yeah, Google is a blessing for us. It has made easier to find information online. It has even created a lot of programs that helps people learn and also earn. I have been using Google and Google's products for more than18 years
Google is a very big blessing and I can never stop thanking God for technology and the mind he gave to those that make it what it is today. Their phones and other apps are top-notch. Browsing with Google is swift and easy.