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Is there someone you don't like to remember?

That is right, and from that day on, I always think many times before doing the act that may cause a big mistake. it isn't easy to carry the guilt. it is better to be safe than sorry. The mistakes we make will also ruin our reputation.
Exactly. This is where so many people get it wrong, they don't learn from the mistake they make, hence next time they don't think things through before saying or doing anything. There are certain mistakes I have made, if I think about what I went through due to those mistakes, I won't want to make them again.
Exactly. This is where so many people get it wrong, they don't learn from the mistake they make, hence next time they don't think things through before saying or doing anything. There are certain mistakes I have made, if I think about what I went through due to those mistakes, I won't want to make them again.
The serious mistake others may have made was betrayal. That serious mistake is unrepairable. There is no second chance for that. That mistake will not be forgiven by the one betrayed like a husband or a wife and all the family members. He or she will be screwed.
The serious mistake others may have made was betrayal. That serious mistake is unrepairable. There is no second chance for that. That mistake will not be forgiven by the one betrayed like a husband or a wife and all the family members. He or she will be screwed.
True, betrayal is something that cannot be easily forgiven, especially in a situation where you mean a lot to the person you betrayed. Which is why we have to be extremely careful.
True, betrayal is something that cannot be easily forgiven, especially in a situation where you mean a lot to the person you betrayed. Which is why we have to be extremely careful.
We feel the phobia of having someone in our lives who we love most and only be betrayed. it is very painful. The injury of cheat keeps inflicting our hearts and soul.
I really don't like to mention my bad teacher at school because I always had problems with her. In my opinion, she taught incorrectly, but if I come to visit my parents on holidays, my mother likes to mention it, but I don't like this person
Yes off course I don't want to remember my first date because she betrayed me and even her name when I hear it from someone I feel so upset but I forgive her but I will never forget
Indeed, there are people we do not like to remember in our lives. Remembering them may boil our blood or the hate kept may be awaken, it is better not to remember . I tried it, but when I am alone and sad, I cannot avoid to remember the person who borrowed $1000 from me and never paid me. I hate the person to the bones.
Yes there are some people I really don't like to remember at all because most of the people now a day's are just waiting for an opportunity to cheat or betray you because they don't realize you are the reason why they were standing
We should be careful. Sometimes the people whom we trust are not in reality. We must give more time to the relationship if we want to keep it for the long term. No, there is no one in my life whom I don't want to remember.
There are many people I do not like to remember even in a forum site. Those arrogant the way they commented. They cannot be given another chance. I am the type who also never care rude and mean people the way the respond. I do not like to remember they exist.