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Is there someone you don't like to remember?



Mar 18, 2024
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Whatever the reason, it is all up to us why do not like to remember someone. We can shift our mind to other things if there is a time when we're alone and so suddenly pops up some memories associated with the shadow of someone we do not like. I am also not so sure if there is someone in your life you do not like to remember. If you are going to ask me, yes, there is someone I do not like to remember . He was my ex who borrowed a huge money from me but the money was spent on leaving our country with someone else. I feel like dumb😔
Probably my ex, it's not that I hate her or anything, I just don't want to bring up does bad memories because it's of no use bringing them up.
I guess we all have a person like that in our life but its better to not to think about it again and again
Yea but sometimes you just can't help it, especially if you had lots of memories with them in the past.
Probably my ex, it's not that I hate her or anything, I just don't want to bring up does bad memories because it's of no use bringing them up.
There is no se bringing the past memories all the time in our present life. It affects our emotions and work. But we cannot avoid remembering and junk the remembering right away.
There is no se bringing the past memories all the time in our present life. It affects our emotions and work. But we cannot avoid remembering and junk the remembering right away.
True, it's not something you can just forget immediately. Just try your best to focus on your present.
For me l really don't keep grudges. So l have none that couldn't wish to remember nor seeing.
That's a good one. Living a life without grudge is a good life. This would give you peace of mind.
I don't really have any person that I have harboured bad memories about that I don't even wish to remember them. I have been hurt a great deal in the past by family and friends alike, even ex girlfriends, but those memories erode with time.
True, it's not something you can just forget immediately. Just try your best to focus on your present.
Though the painful past is fading after some months and years, but the scar it has left remains the semblance of the worst scenario of our love life in the past.
Though the painful past is fading after some months and years, but the scar it has left remains the semblance of the worst scenario of our love life in the past.
True, but these scars either make you or break you. The decisions we making after getting these scars matters.
Oh that must be very hurting for you @Scorpion . Did not you investigate about him?

No, I don't have anyone in my life whom I don't want to remember in my life.
Oh that must be very hurting for you @Scorpion . Did not you investigate about him?

No, I don't have anyone in my life whom I don't want to remember in my life.
The pain was fading soi also the face of someone who hurt me in the past. I already moved on long ago. he is not worth to waste a single thought.
Hmm...did you find him online?

People are so rude. How can someone do this, it is unimaginable for me? But there are all sort of persons in the world.
Hmm...did you find him online?

People are so rude. How can someone do this, it is unimaginable for me? But there are all sort of persons in the world.
Indeed there are so many persons online with different kind of behavior and characters that will shock you.
Most of my relatives that are from my dad's side comes under this category, they are so mean and we don't even like to have a contact with them
I made a wrong decision despite knowing it was wrong, but I still insisted on doing it. I blamed no other but myself for being stupid. I learned a lesson from that imperfect action.
I made a wrong decision despite knowing it was wrong, but I still insisted on doing it. I blamed no other but myself for being stupid. I learned a lesson from that imperfect action.
The most important thing is that you have learnt something from it. There are times where we just take certain actions, even when we know it's wrong we still go for it. The lesson you learn will definitely make you grow.
The most important thing is that you have learnt something from it. There are times where we just take certain actions, even when we know it's wrong we still go for it. The lesson you learn will definitely make you grow.
That is right, and from that day on, I always think many times before doing the act that may cause a big mistake. it isn't easy to carry the guilt. it is better to be safe than sorry. The mistakes we make will also ruin our reputation.