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Is it your habit to argue?

I feel that some arguments with certain people don't serve any purpose. They can be energy draining. Some people can make you loose your peace of mind with their reckless arguments. I just try to politely avoid them. The negativity and then the increased stress can actually derail the whole day. I don't want to loose my mind's peace and my day.
I am the other way round. I try to avoid it as much as possible, especially with people who are hard nuts to crack. I want my peace of mind more than an useless argument which leads to nothing. Yes, if it's reasonable person worth of doing it, I will keep my points politely.
True, there are some people who are not worth arguing with at all. The more you argue with them, you just end up wasting your time and energy.
I would try to avoid it as much as I can, but at times I can't compromise with certain things that I strongly stand for. I would argue there. I need to. I am very firm and clear with certain values and boundary that I have. I just try to keep my tone down and don't get over agitated. A firm but polite statement is more impactful.
I used to really hate arguing and I still don't prefer to argue, but sometimes it just happens. When I know I'm right about something, I want to make sure the other person is aware that I'm right. I don't like confrontation, but lately it's been happening at work more because it's been hot and we've all been agitated from the heat.
@Frank. I would agree with you. The arguments in close relationships are in fact very healthy if they are done in a very respectful way. Arguments means that you have not given up on the relationship and you are trying to discuss things. I would argue frequently with my husband and we would have them very often when taking important decisions. But we make sure that it doesn't get ugly.
I try to avoid every argument possible when it comes to people who don't matter much and we know that they have a thick cuticle and a very rigid mindset.
@Frank. I would agree with you. The arguments in close relationships are in fact very healthy if they are done in a very respectful way. Arguments means that you have not given up on the relationship and you are trying to discuss things. I would argue frequently with my husband and we would have them very often when taking important decisions. But we make sure that it doesn't get ugly.
I try to avoid every argument possible when it comes to people who don't matter much and we know that they have a thick cuticle and a very rigid mindset.
I didn't know that arguing with my husband and still see it as a healthy thing makes the relationship to be healthy. I don't like arguments and I won't like to continue talking about something that I have always pointed out the first, second and third time. Sometimes, men like to be in the defensive side and making you that talks about it a fool. Smh, I hate that with passion.

@Sara . I totally agree with you. I have seen that silence at times works more effectively than the endless arguments. And it does save your time and energy too. It's a very effective weapon in communication at times.
@Ginger . How have you suffered financially?
I know that there are some people that will push you off the cliff to know your reaction. If not self control, I will see myself arguing like a mad person that doesn't care about anything. The reason I prefer to be silent to avoid be disrespected.
@Sara . You have made valid points. That's what even I would approve. I will not argue if I see it going down the drain with no effective result. I will have a self control there. I prefer silence then. So, to argue or not to argue will come out of a situation and the person who is the other participant.
I had this habit of arguing with people when I was young, but then I realized that there was no use for it except stressing your own mind. I left that habit, and now I feel my mind relaxed and at peace.
The valid point. There's no use in arguing unless you want to stress your mind and lose your peace. Until I realized that I am only killing my mind and also being restless to prove a pointless point, I stopped arguing.

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