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Is It Possible To Use Mobile data while our Phone is on Flight Mode?



Mar 23, 2024
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I have seen a couple of videos on Facebook and Instagram and unable to find if it is possible or not and if it is possible then is it safe to change our phone settings for that.

Is It Possible To Use Mobile data while our Phone is on Flight Mode?
The whole reason for flight mode is so you can't use your Internet connection, so how will it be possible to using it during flight mode.
No probably and I think it can never be possible to used the mobile data while your phone its on flight mode
No, it is not possible to use anything on your phone when it is in flight mode. There is no such setting on the phone that enables you to use your phone in that situation.
Yes you can probably only take pictures or play some offline games, or maybe watch an already downloaded movie.
You can only use Wifi on a flight mode but I am not aware of any setting through which it's possible to use mobile data on flight mode.
When the phone is on the flight mode, it's like locking the phone to prevent it's usage. Phones on flight mode have their networks locked. With that being said, the phone could not be working at unless it's unlocked.
It is practically not possible to use mobile data during flight mode. What a flight mode does is that it disconnects every kinds of connection that the mobile phone has access to. That is why one can't even use Bluetooth on flight mode.
I tried it but I cannot navigate and my Android phone reverted my phone to the normal mode. You cannot connect to the Internet if you are into the flight mode. You need to be vigilant or cautious especially if you lack skill or knowhow in the manipulations of gadgets.
I am sure there is a way to do that and I will let you all know about it and for that we need to make a change in our phone setting
I am sure there is a way to do that and I will let you all know about it and for that we need to make a change in our phone setting
That is a good solution to try it and share it with us here the result. , so far it did not connect to the internet when I tried it which is why I am always very careful not to click that airplane mood.
You can only use Wifi on a flight mode but I am not aware of any setting through which it's possible to use mobile data on flight mode.
You can't even use a WiFi when a phone is on flight mode. The flight mode is built in to make your phone not connect at all. The only utility you can use your phone for when on flight mode is to play offline music and videos.
You can't even use a WiFi when a phone is on flight mode. The flight mode is built in to make your phone not connect at all. The only utility you can use your phone for when on flight mode is to play offline music and videos.
I was 100% sure that we can and I just tried and was able to use Wifi even with flight mode on.
I am sure there is a way to do that and I will let you all know about it and for that we need to make a change in our phone setting
Please tell me when you find. I would like to use it too
I am still searching and actually I am so busy with work that I was unable to spare time for that so I will update as soon as I get info