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Is it bad to make mistakes?

Yes or they are probably not taking things seriously, hence they keep on making the same mistakes.
That's why people like that usually find it difficult to make progress in life. Their lives seems to remain stagnant because of the repeated mistakes.
Its totally normally to make mistakes as no one is perfect and we all make mistakes and should learn from these
I have seen great artists make some ugly arts and they say it is a mistake. As far as life is concerned, people are bound to make mistakes and learn from them. Let the prefect people keep judging every mistake. We don't care.
I think it's safe to say it's bad when you don't make mistakes. The mistakes we make actually have a hand in making us who we are today. They are what shape us.
It is not bad to make mistakes. But when someone keeps on making same mistakes, that one is bad. I don't think there is any aspect of my life that I have not made mistakes once.
Everyone can make a mistake but it does not mean that we are truly bad. A mistake occurs when we are not prepared for an assigned task or we lack skill of it,
I haven't seen or know of anyone who does not make mistakes so no one is perfect and we all do make mistakess and its absolutely fine
Indeed no one is perfect, hence we are not above mistakes. Mistakes actually makes us who we are today. And makes us to be a lot better.
Actually it's not that bad to commit mistakes but its not good to repeat the same mistakes oftenly.
If we keep repeating mistakes and not learning from them then its bad and we should learn and not repeat it
We are only humans subject to commit mistakes but it does not mean that we are bad, we are only tempted or ignited because of exploitation.
In life everyone makes mistakes so its fine to make mistakes and everyone does but we should not repeat the mistakes and should learn from them
it's true anyone can make mistakes, however, if the mistakes are repeated severally, there's something wrong with the person.
There are times when I do repeat mistakes and I need to have more discipline in my life to not make mistakes or at least not repeat these mistakes again
it's true anyone can make mistakes, however, if the mistakes are repeated severally, there's something wrong with the person.
When a person starts making repeated mistakes, it means they are not serious or focus to learn from their past errors.
I think some people are not so serious or they forgot to not repeat it again LOL and this has happened with me a few times
A mistake that causes you much would be hard to forget, so I think they simply do not take it seriously.
I agree we should have the attitude to never repeat the mistake and should try at first to not commit any mistakes
Which is learning from your mistakes. Most people just make mistakes then completely forget all about it. But in reality there are actually lessons to be learnt.
In life only those reach heights that make mistakes because those that does not make mistakes feel they are perfect and are not required to learn anything new