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Internet connects lives

So true! These forum sites that have become such integral part of our lives, it's all because of Internet. Few decades back, it might have sounded like a very niche area available for a selected few. But now it's unimaginable to even think of a life without it.
I know right? I feel as if my day is not complete without visiting a forum in a day.
I know right? I feel as if my day is not complete without visiting a forum in a day.
Very true! It has become a part of regular routine for us. And I am happy that we don't need to step out for all the work like earlier. I haven't been to a physical bank in years and nor I have paid any bill physically. It is so convenient and time saving to do all these things online.
At first it was to connect lives as we can call each other even if we are far or can message but now we can even earn and learn and do so much with it
That is one reason why we are here on Discussion Hub because of Internet connection. We also exchange messages on Facebook Meta Messenger 😁. We owe a lot to technology. Through or we were able to connect Internet services for us to connect to our relatives and friends abroad. Internet is also like magic.
That is one reason why we are here on Discussion Hub because of Internet connection. We also exchange messages on Facebook Meta Messenger 😁. We owe a lot to technology. Through or we were able to connect Internet services for us to connect to our relatives and friends abroad. Internet is also like magic.
Yeah it has helped a lot otherwise how would I have met great souls like you online and have friends from different parts of the world
If made a right use, it can be so helpful. Last week, my friend's father got missing. He is 80 years old and suffering from Alzheimer's. The door was open and he walked out of the house around 2 AM when everyone was sleeping. They live in independent house with no security guard around. The whole family was worried in the morning when he was not found. One message on WhatsApp with his picture and description was shared in various groups and it was viral. Thanks to the Internet, he was found near a college some five kilometres from the house and they received a call.
Yeah it has helped a lot otherwise how would I have met great souls like you online and have friends from different parts of the world
That is true. We also experienced globalisation because of technology. No one is also left behind on the web. People are enjoying the works of technology doing the money making through selling online. We also know what's happening throughout the world. It seems the countries too far to think now as if they are in front of us via computer dfteen.
I am the one who is benefiting a lot from this globalization at present, courtsey the technological advancements and Internet. I am enrolled into a an online course every Sunday to refine my professional skills and learn more. It's so enriching to be with 100 more participants from 19 countries across the globe. Our mentors are also from different countries. Internet has brought us all together and we can learn and share from the comfort of our home.
With Internet you are also learning and some are completing their courses and even education from different parts of the world so it's a boon.
Very true, I have taken multiple courses online. Courses on graphic designing and other skills like video editing and so on. The Internet has helped a lot making our lives a lot easier.
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