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In what year did you first step in a gym?

We often find ourselves worrying about our physique and when it gets too much, we finally decide to follow a diet and hit the gym. When was the first time you successfully pushed yourself enough to step inside of a gym? Were you able to continue? If not, for how long did you go? Are you planning to join a gym again?
Maybe i was 18. After the admision test for university, i ended up gaining weight due to stress and decided to burn it all in a gym durning that time.
I think it was 2020. I had just weighed myself and I knew I had to do something about it. I wasn't the most consistent for the first 2 years but I still made decent progress, so it's been worth it. I'm a lot more consistent now.

My first experience at the gym should be around 2017 and it was when I had a heartbreak and needed to be somewhere where I don't have to think too much about the events that brought me there. It was not easy, but I made considerable progress in the first year. So, I agree with you that the first year at the gym will always come with a bit of inconsistencies.
I would not want to lie about when I started going to the gym to work out because I cannot remember it very well. I can assume it might be around 2009 or 2010 when I began going to the gym. I know that I was going to the gym before the pandemic of coronavirus broke out. I have been using the gym since then.
Long back. I was very young and I had this misconception that going gym could help being heroic. Soon I realised that you are going to sacrifice a lot of sleep and tasty food to be in shape.

I am still do my share of workout but never been a gym person later in my life.
There is a say my gym instructor used to say all the time and it's written in so many corners of the gym house, it's No Pain, No Gain. You can't expect to become in good shape and healthy without being willing to deprive yourself of so many sweet things.
Looking good and feeling good are two different things. I won't deny that having a six pack is not without compromises.

I try to be healthy and fit, that's all.
Yes, you are very correct. Someone might be looking very good but when it comes to the person's health, he's not healthy in any way. If you look good but not healthy, it's a waste of looking good. It's better to be healthy first and then start working on looking good.
No arguements there :)

The sad fact is that these days people are only into the easy way out. Even happiness they do not want to earn and gain it the easy way.
You are very correct. It's the sad reality of what most people are doing now with how they seek to be fit and healthy. Some of them use lots of pills to lose weight which should not be so because those pills have a serious negative effects on the body.
In 2018, when I first seriously thought about my appearance, I realized that I absolutely did not like it because I was tall and very thin. But then I didn't go to the gym yet because I was ashamed in front of others and I started training only at home. However, after two years of training, I did not notice the result, and then in 2020, even before the outbreak of covid, I went to the gym for the first time, and literally a month later, covid started in my country, so I have not visited it since then
If I remembered correctly, it would be in 2012 I went to the gym for the first time because of the pressure from my friends to do. Unfortunately, I never liked it because I'm not good being in a the mix of many people.
I also made such a mistake when I was influenced by people and because of that I went to the gym not of my own volition and it led to the result because I liked my body then and it was unpleasant for me to be in the gym and do what I really didn't want to do

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