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I love games



May 16, 2024
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I really like playing games in my free time. what about you friend, do you like it too?
Yes I enjoy playing games on my free time as well, though the major issue is that I hardly have enough free time these days or even enough batteries to play what I want to play.
Playing games is fun but I hope you get other stuff done too, and not let the games take over your life
Playing games is fun but I hope you get other stuff done too, and not let the games take over your life
Yes I love playing games, but I know it can't pay my bills so most times I just have to stop and focus on my business. There are times where I might not even play games for days.
At some point in our lives, we all loved playing games! I could remember a time when I can play for half a day on stretch. But not anymore though.
Whereas I don't like to play games even if I have free time because I don't want to develop an addiction to them. I have seen people get addicted to them if we play them regularly. I feel it's a waste of time.
It depends though, I play games from time to time and I love playing them, but at the same time I always keep in mind the important things I need to do, and I make sure I do them.
I am a hobbyist player, which means I play games as a hobby. Games help me relax, when I am bored and experience lack of mental strength, playing games helps me. However, I cannot spend a lot of time playing games as I am too busy with my work.
Do you have a specific type of game you play? I know some people who play games as a hobby, but they only play specific types.
I am a hobbyist player, which means I play games as a hobby. Games help me relax, when I am bored and experience lack of mental strength, playing games helps me. However, I cannot spend a lot of time playing games as I am too busy with my work.
Good to see someone who sees game as just an hobby rather than something to spend all day playing. There are better things to do than give undue priority to games.
There are also does who make money from gaming. They run gaming blogs or stream their games online or even game testers.
There are also does who make money from gaming. They run gaming blogs or stream their games online or even game testers.
That's right, but you have to be an experienced gamer to be able to make some money from it.
Yes you have to be an experienced gamer, this is something i am lacking in. I love playing games and I do play when I can but I am not an expert.
Yes you have to be an experienced gamer, this is something i am lacking in. I love playing games and I do play when I can but I am not an expert.
I'm not an experienced gamer either. This is because I play the game for fun, not because I'm hoping to earn some money from it.
Same here, I play just for fun and that's all.
Same here, I play just for fun and that's all.
But I once had a roommate who does not view games as fun. He says that if he decide to play the game he's very serious with it, and he usually take things personal whenever he loses.
Lol some persons are like that, they tend to get attached to anything they do and they normally take it a lot more personal.
Lol some persons are like that, they tend to get attached to anything they do and they normally take it a lot more personal.
I usually try to avoid such people when playing games. I can't allow anyone to take the frustration of their loss out on me.
Lol I don't even need to avoid them cause I mostly play alone for now.
I love games because sometimes when I am upset I used to play a lot because More especially PUBG mobile and God of war it parts of my favorites