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  • We have now changed the post count rule to post your website in the Website Directory and the Member Showcase to 10, this was previously 50 but we felt it was too high. You can read more about this change here >>> https://discussionhub.net/threads/update-of-rules-for-the-member-showcase.4356/

How would you support a friend who is going through a major life change?

It might be difficult to stand by a friend throughout a significant life transition, but there are several ways you can help. Give them space to communicate their feelings and worries without passing judgment. Spend time with them that is meaningful. Help them with chores, errands, or other obligations to lighten their load. Encourage them to look after their mental, emotional, and physical health. Allow them to communicate or share as much as they feel comfortable doing with.
How i support them would be based on what they need at the moment. If it's a financial issue and I have the resources to do so, then I we definitely do that. In a situation where all I can do is to encourage them, then that's what I would do.

That's good because in most cases a person suffers from the financial set back and not many people try to support someone with the finance.
True, no one knows tomorrow, we might be in need later in the future. Let's just try to help out whenever we can.

I have always tried to help people, but I never have expectations of them helping me when I may require help. I know I may not get help from them, but we should still do our best for the people in any case.
I have always tried to help people, but I never have expectations of them helping me when I may require help. I know I may not get help from them, but we should still do our best for the people in any case.
The funny thing is I don't really go out asking them for help, but there are situations you might find yourself and these people will be willing to help out simply because of what you have done for them in the past before.
The funny thing is I don't really go out asking them for help, but there are situations you might find yourself and these people will be willing to help out simply because of what you have done for them in the past before.

But such people are rare. Most people forget what you've done to them. Once they are out of a difficult situation, they forget who helped them out in that difficult situation. People easily forget things because they don't want to remember them.
But such people are rare. Most people forget what you've done to them. Once they are out of a difficult situation, they forget who helped them out in that difficult situation. People easily forget things because they don't want to remember them.
True, but the law of karma still exist. You have done something good and you will be rewarded for it. So no matter what let's keep doing good.
The most important ways I feel we can help such friends is by words and actions. We can remind them that life is a phase, what they're passing through will soon be over. Also, we try to find ways in which you can offer practical hepp. This may include getting groceries for them and taking care of anything that might be done in the house.
I don't have any friends, but I also think that the most important thing would be to understand their point of view without judgment and not to give advice, because in my opinion, in such a period, they will simply need support in order to return to a normal state, or they will ask for advice in order to decide problems or something else
My own way to support a friend in times of their major challenges is through supportive or encouraging words and then if it's financial aspect, I do the ones I am capable of doing.
That is good because you don't have to do more than yourself to anyone who is facing a challenge. The most important thing is focusing on enjoying life and helping out when you can do it.

Daily Poll: Which universe do you prefer?

  • Marvel

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • DC

    Votes: 2 66.7%
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