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How Was Your Sunday?

That is right. Whenever I like to eat fried chicken I can right away cook because I already mastered it. The next menu I want to practice cooking is beef with a cauliflower. Cauliflower is a very notorious vegetable. I may try to practice cooking on Friday. Tomorrow, I'm going to attend two meetings.
I guess we can get better with practise and should try to learn on weekends because then we can afford to take a risk as we have all the time available
I guess we can get better with practise and should try to learn on weekends because then we can afford to take a risk as we have all the time available
Yes, practice makes our work perfect. It only needs patience extra time and energy to make your cook perfect. Sunday is the perfect day to make a practice of the menu you like to eat and serve for your family and visitors. You can laugh at your imperfect cooking.
Yes, practice makes our work perfect. It only needs patience extra time and energy to make your cook perfect. Sunday is the perfect day to make a practice of the menu you like to eat and serve for your family and visitors. You can laugh at your imperfect cooking.
I am now planning to start with it and may start from today or from Sunday and will see if I can start cooking and at least help mom
I am now planning to start with it and may start from today or from Sunday and will see if I can start cooking and at least help mom
That is a good plan. As for there are no changes. I already mentioned my activities this Sunday so I cannot practice cooking another menu. I am through with fried chicken lol. I want to practice cooking beef with cauliflower mixed with few bits of celery.
That is a good plan. As for there are no changes. I already mentioned my activities this Sunday so I cannot practice cooking another menu. I am through with fried chicken lol. I want to practice cooking beef with cauliflower mixed with few bits of celery.
I think I should tell mom that I will cook and she just need to tell me how but actually its so hot that mom may not allow me to work in kitchen
I think I should tell mom that I will cook and she just need to tell me how but actually its so hot that mom may not allow me to work in kitchen
Why is it so hot in your kitchen, are you using fire? It's hot if you are using wood in cooking. At home, we are using either gasul or gas range depending on what to cook. But it is my sister the cook at home. This time, I can help her cook some that I practice 😁.
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