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How to improve communication skill?



Oct 30, 2023
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Communication skills are very important to build stronger interpersonal relationships? You can become successful if you are communicative. How do you do that? Well, you should first start by active listening and giving your full attention to others and responding with empathy and understanding. Communicate openly and honestly, express your thoughts and feelings clearly, and seek to understand different perspectives. Practice conflict resolution and negotiation skills to navigate disagreements and strengthen relationships.
A lot of people don't have good communication skills today especially when it comes to face-to-face communication. This is as a result of so many social media platform people make use of today to chat and communicate online thereby eliminating the possibility of learning how to communicate in person.
I am seriously lacking in my communication skills, infact I usually see this as some sort of hard work, especially when it comes to socializing. I would rather just go to a place, do whatever it is I need to do and move on rather than trying to communicate with does around.
My problem is that I can listen very attentively, but if it is not a question, it is difficult for me to answer something. After all, if it is just a fact with which I agree, then I will simply say that it is correct and many people tell me about it that I am somehow not very communicative
You would have to study deeply and always articulate your ideas to be a good communicator. You have to understand the psychology of communication to be able to communicate properly. That is understanding how people express different kinds of reactions when spoken to for you to be able to communicate with each person.
I don't have any problem with my communication skill for as long as I am with someone whom I am comfortable to talk to, I will always be able to communicate very well and freely with the person.
I don't have any problem with my communication skill for as long as I am with someone whom I am comfortable to talk to, I will always be able to communicate very well and freely with the person.
I think it would be easy for everyone to communicate with such a person. I will be able to communicate with strangers only when I am in the circle of such a person as you described, because she gives me comfort and confidence
Communication skill can be improved upon when you develop both verbal and nonverbal communication abilities because that is how you can convey messages effectively .
I believe that communication skills can be improved by trying as much as possible to socialize with different types of people. Socialize and try to discuss with them regarding any topic you might find interesting, this can greatly improve communication skills.
Effective communication is truly an art form. Active listening .making eye contact, avoiding interruptions, and rephrasing to ensure understanding is paramount. When you communicate with empathy, honesty, and an open mindset, you create opportunities for deeper personal connections that elevate all your relationships.
It's easy for me to find a common language with strangers because I just like to talk. You need to practice a lot and also not be afraid to say even nonsense
I was never as talkative as I am now. Everything changed when I got a job and there I needed to communicate with people. Although I only discussed work topics in general, it helped me stop being afraid to start the conversation first.
I was never as talkative as I am now. Everything changed when I got a job and there I needed to communicate with people. Although I only discussed work topics in general, it helped me stop being afraid to start the conversation first.
The experience is the proof that when circumstances change even the person too tends to change. The job you had was the one that made you to begin having good communication with people. The same thing happens to me too. I was more like an introvert, but after I enter the university and I began to mingle with more people, I started being more outgoing.