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How Often You Like To Have Instant Noodles In A Week?



Mar 23, 2024
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I have a friend who even likes to have Instant noodles daily but since they are not good for health so I don't have these often and only have when I don't like the dish prepared at home.

How Often You Like To Have Instant Noodles In A Week?
I could go weeks or months without even having instant noodles. It's not something I eat on a regular basis. I tend to eat it sometimes when I have a little craving for it.
I don't have it often but have it when I like to eat something different and not the traditional roti sabji
I have it very very rarely mostly once in a blue moon and sometimes none in months because it's not good for health
I just finished Maggie Instant noodles and have it almost 3-4 times in a week.