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How often do you replace your bedsheets?

I'll admit, replacing my bedsheets isn't exactly at the top of my priority list. I tend to procrastinate and wait until they're looking really ratty before switching them out. On average, I'd say I get new sheets every 1 years or so. I know experts recommend changing them much more frequently for hygiene reasons, but the "if it's not broke, don't fix it" mentality kicks in. As long as they're not ripped or stained beyond repair, I'll ride out that sheet set until I can't anymore. Then it's an excuse to do some seasonal sheet shopping!
I'll admit, replacing my bedsheets isn't exactly at the top of my priority list. I tend to procrastinate and wait until they're looking really ratty before switching them out. On average, I'd say I get new sheets every 1 years or so. I know experts recommend changing them much more frequently for hygiene reasons, but the "if it's not broke, don't fix it" mentality kicks in. As long as they're not ripped or stained beyond repair, I'll ride out that sheet set until I can't anymore. Then it's an excuse to do some seasonal sheet shopping!
The question was how often you replace / change your sheets, not when you buy new sheets. I sure hope you are changing your bed sheets more than once a year.
I change my bed sheet every 1 to 2 weeks. I have about three so I make sure that there is a clean one on standby whenever I want to remove the dirty one from the bed.

This is a smart move. Replacing the bedsheets every week can be a good way to have a healthy home. Just ensure that you keep doing it. I replace mine 4 days gap and at worst once a week and I have been having a good time.
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