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How often do you get a haircut?

I tend to have my daughter cut my hair at least once a month, just to take about an inch off. When the pandemic was in its early days and hairdressers were not allowed to operate, I and my daughter looked online for how we could cut our hair without messing it up and we found a way that worked perfectly. We stick to doing that now unless we want a specific style.
I tend to have my daughter cut my hair at least once a month, just to take about an inch off. When the pandemic was in its early days and hairdressers were not allowed to operate, I and my daughter looked online for how we could cut our hair without messing it up and we found a way that worked perfectly. We stick to doing that now unless we want a specific style.
If I knew how to give myself a good and neat haircut, it would be saving me about $20-$25 every two weeks. I have tried learning how to do it but I don't have the steady hands to make the haircut neat. A lady friend of mine told me she can do it very well but I don't trust her not to mess up my hair.
I have my haircut every weekend. I love my hair looking neat all the time. I do it by myself at home sometimes whenever I have the chance to take care of it on my own.
A haircut every weekend could be a very high frequency for going to a hairdresser. Once every two weeks three weeks or once a month could be more reasonable than this frequency. But taking 2 or 3 months to go to haircut is a very long time and could has bad sequences.
I don't like keeping hairs. This means that having a haircut once every two weeks was the best decision that I could make just to look smart and presentable. I can keep beards, but having an afro haricut biweekly is what I don't fail to do.
If it's possible to do anything to my hair for it to slow down with how fast it grows, I would be interested in having it down. It's looking as if all of the food I'm eating goes to my hair first for it to be growing how fast it's going. Before two weeks, my hair will be too much.
Until recently, I had a long hair so I did not go too frequently to have a hair cut, I think I went for hair cut every 2-3 months, just for minor trimming. These days I have short hair, which needs a lot of maintainence, so I go for a hair cut once in a month. Sometimes when I am going to an even I also go for a hair cut to have a nice look
If I have long hairs, I will not bother about going to get a haircut but what I would be doing is to be trimming the hair by myself if there is need for me to do so especially when there are some of it that's too longer than the others. I will have to use my scissors and trim them and that will be all I need to do.
I always try to get a haircut every 3 weeks because I don't enjoy it barbing on a weekly basis. The most important thing that comes with cutting your hair is that it helps you to look good and that is why I don't feel to have my haircut on a 3 week basis. I see people that want to have their haircuts on a weekly basis but that is not what I can be able to do.

Daily Poll: Which universe do you prefer?

  • Marvel

    Votes: 1 25.0%
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