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How often do you fly as a means of transport?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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There are those who love to fly whenever they need to travel. It's their favorite means of transportation. I love flying too whenever it's convenient for me. This is why I fly often more than most of my friends. There are some of them who dread flying.

Do you like flying?
I have never travelled on a plane.
I like the idea of flying to another country for a holiday, but I slightly fear flying for transport.
I want to travel to another country so my fear won't be as bad anymore. I think it's a fear as I have never travelled on a plane before.
I only fly whenever I'm travelling to another country. It will be very difficult for me to use any other means of transport when going across boundaries.
I enjoy flying as a means of transportation. It's very fast and a lot more convenient as well as comfortable when being compared to all the other means of transportation. If there is a flight transportation to wherever I want to go, I will book the flight as long as I can afford paying for it.
Since I stay away from home which is about 2000 km from the place I live in, the flight prices are quite high. So, I don't travel much but about 2 times a year. Sometimes it becomes 3 times but only when there's some important festival celebration or family event to attend at home.
Once a year - to go on holiday or as the Americans refer to it ‘Vacation’. I’m not really scared of flying so it’s not a huge issue for me. I wouldn’t go as far as paying full price for Business or First Class - the prices are ridiculous!
Once a year - to go on holiday or as the Americans refer to it ‘Vacation’. I’m not really scared of flying so it’s not a huge issue for me. I wouldn’t go as far as paying full price for Business or First Class - the prices are ridiculous!
I would never pay for Business or First Class whenever I'm flying to anywhere for any reason because it's too expensive when I look at the amount of money I'm earning now. If the company where I'm working is willing to pay for a Business or First Class ticket, I will fly it with all pleasure.
I would never pay for Business or First Class whenever I'm flying to anywhere for any reason because it's too expensive when I look at the amount of money I'm earning now. If the company where I'm working is willing to pay for a Business or First Class ticket, I will fly it with all pleasure.

I've travelled on First Class for a couple of times, but that was as a result of the company that I was working for then sponsoring the trip. I have been careful not to spend much when travelling, but who am I to say no to a first class ticket from my company?
I've travelled on First Class for a couple of times, but that was as a result of the company that I was working for then sponsoring the trip. I have been careful not to spend much when travelling, but who am I to say no to a first class ticket from my company?
This is exactly how I would have to travel in a Business or First Class flight. If the company where I'm working is sending me on a business trip, they have the choice to pay for Business or First Class flight ticket. I don't mind if they pay for economic flight too as long as the aeroplane takes me to my destination.
I only fly when it's convenient that I fly intend of using other means of transportation like road, sea or train. I love using the train better than the road.
I only fly when it's convenient that I fly intend of using other means of transportation like road, sea or train. I love using the train better than the road.
I have not used train means of transportation for more than five years right now. It have been mostly aeroplane and buses. I have used ship only twice in the last 3 years. Travelling by air is more convenient and easy. It's why I love using flight.
I flew by plane only twice and I won't say that it's bad, but if we talk about traveling to specific places, it can save time, but if I plan to visit many places in one weekend, it's easier for me to do it by car or bus because sometimes it it can even be cheaper, and you need to buy tickets in advance during the tourist season
Any travelling that is supposed to take me at least 7 hours should I make use of bus should be done by air through flying. I am among those people who find it very difficult to sit down for too long especially when I'm travelling. There is a reason why air means of transportation was invented.
Maybe you are the type who has a phobia for height, this makes it impossible for such kind of persons to fly. I also know some people whom can't fly as a result of their health issues and challenges. So, which one of these two is the reason why you have never used air means of transportation?
A combination of health issues and challenges and lack of funds.

It's sad to hear about some of your health issues being part of what makes it hard for you to fly. The fund aspect is also what you cannot overlook too because flight now is expensive. Even flying the economic class is not cheap to pay for too. If it was cheaper, so many people will love to fly.
I do not fly frequently, in fact I don't even remember when I took a plane the last time. I prefer to travel by bus even for long distance travel, it is cheaper. Flying is very costly and I have to frequently think about minimizing my expenses. By the way, I don't travel frequently, normally I travel only a couple of times in a year
The stress of forcing myself to sit down on a bus for 10 hours distance journey is what I can never do to myself for any reason. I know that paying for flight as a means of transportation is very expensive but it's what will do me more good than harm compared to how I will feel after sitting in bus for hours.