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How much water should you drink during exercise?



Oct 30, 2023
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Keeping your body hydrated before your exercise and after your exercise routine is very important. You also need to drink water during your workout session. Drink water before, during, and after exercise to stay hydrated. However, not many people know about the recommended amount of water while exercising. It is believed about 8-10 ounces every 15-20 minutes during physical activity is considered good. However, you also need to adjust your water intake based on factors like intensity, duration, and sweat rate.
I knew about this rule, but now I don't drink water during training because even a small amount of water makes my stomach very upset when I start jumping or running
What is very important is for you to watch how much the water which you are taking when you are working out is affecting your stomach. Do not drink too much water in a way it's going to start shaking too much in your stomach. This will make it very difficult and uncomfortable for you to keep working out.
What is very important is for you to watch how much the water which you are taking when you are working out is affecting your stomach. Do not drink too much water in a way it's going to start shaking too much in your stomach. This will make it very difficult and uncomfortable for you to keep working out.
I had such situations when I drank too much water and it just shook in my stomach and it was not pleasant, but it cleaned my body very much and I even had a much stronger appetite afterwards, but it is 100 percent unpleasant
As important as drinking a lot of water is, I don't recommend drinking too much during exercise so you don't end up having a stomach that is fuller necessary.
I am saying this from experience, it has happened to me and I didn't like how it turned out.
During exercise, it's important to drink enough water to replace the fluids you lose through sweat. The general recommendation is to drink 7-10 ounces of water every 10-20 minutes during activity. However, your ideal fluid intake can vary based on factors like exercise intensity, duration, body size, and environmental conditions.
When it comes to walking, I don't really drink water, cause I find it Abit stressful to carry a bottle of water while walking, but when I carry out some workouts at home, I usually drink water but I have not taken time to calculate how much water I have been drinking.
I have not really considered drinking too much of water whenever I'm doing exercise. In fact I don't even go with any kind of water bottle even after the workout. What I usually take is juice and maybe some milk or yogurt, I don't usually take ordinary water.
To be perfectly honest, the amount of water that you need to drink when you are exercising would depend on various kinds of factors such as the duration and the individual sweat rate. I would like to mention that it is crucial to stay hydrated for optimal performance.
Based on the experience, I have have come to realize that a good rule is to drink about 8 ounces of water and you should do this every 15 to 20 minutes during your exercise but it is important to listen to your body and adjust accordingly as well.
From where I stand , it is very crucial to remember that the needs of hydration for individuals very greatly and there are factors that could influence it.. humidity, altitude and personal sweat rate are the factors that will affect the amount of water intake.
Simply sipping water regularly is crucial and it's important because it will help to maintain hydration level and it will also prevent dehydration as well . This is what will help you stay hydrated during the exercise.
Monitoring the color of your urine can also be a very helpful way to detect your hydration status . Based on my observation, a pale yellow urine indicates adequate hydration why a urine that is darker is a signal of dehydration and in that case, there is need to drink more water .
overhydrating during exercise is very harmful and this could lead to a condition that is often known as hypernatremia. In this case, the sodium level in your blood become so dangerously low.
I even do it more often than you wrote because when I train I feel very strong and that's why I need to replenish the water in my body because it gives me a lot of energy because my endurance is bad