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How many websites do you currently own at the moment?



Sep 23, 2023
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I have been creating websites myself since I was around 15 years old and still now I have a few websites that I run in between my work and such.

At the moment I currently co-own a forum with my other half and I also have a blog as well that I am working on. I feel with the two I am running at the moment plus another blog I hope to open soon when that is ready, that will be more than enough for me.

How many websites are you currently running at the moment?
Currently I only own the one, which you’re on right now if you’re reading this :D
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Right now two Strange Minds and Mechanism Sounds I’m think of buying a domain name for my blog 🙂
Currently running a few forums and a blog right now. I'm in the middle of setting up another forum right now too lol. I am not going to promote it until it's ready though, I uploaded the files for the software on my server but haven't installed it yet.
For me, right now I just run the one forum I own. I don't really want to run more than one site at a time to be honest. I did have an idea on bringing back my old website but i'm not sure if I will. I do have a few ideas on how that can be achieved but we'll have to wait and see. It might be something that happens in the future if there's a want or desire for a game enhancer database that isn't half-assed thrown together like the other site that's up right now. :p
I don't necessarily "own" it I suppose since it's free forum software that isn't self-hosted, but the closest thing to owning a website would be my current forum on the Jcink software. I've never owned an actual website, just forums.
I don't necessarily "own" it I suppose since it's free forum software that isn't self-hosted, but the closest thing to owning a website would be my current forum on the Jcink software. I've never owned an actual website, just forums.
Have you considered upgrading to paid forum software or paid hosting? If not, why not?
Currently running a few forums and a blog right now. I'm in the middle of setting up another forum right now too lol. I am not going to promote it until it's ready though, I uploaded the files for the software on my server but haven't installed it yet.
This sounds similar to me. I get an idea for a forum and I jump right to it and then get overwhelmed! LOL

Everyone is different though I feel and depending on circumstances will depend on how many sites you feel you can run.

I did have a forum not too long ago that I brought back but will admit, I found I just didn't have the time I thought I had so closed it.
Have you considered upgrading to paid forum software or paid hosting? If not, why not?
Not really, I'm satisfied with free forum hosting, and to transfer to a paid forum software would kind of defeat the purpose of my forum since it's all about Jcink resources.

I don't have any website of my own at the moment. I don't have any plans of starting a forum because I can't manage it now as I'm too busy.
There was a time when I had almost two dozen websites, however, these days I have 7 websites and a couple of them are under construction. I sold some of my websites and shut down few. I did not want to shut them down but I could not find takers therefore I shut them down. I am thinking to keep my websites number under 3.
I currently don't own any sites but I plan to start my own blog very soon. I have been procrastinating on the prospect of owning a site because I had to fully understand my options. I think by the second half of this year, my blog site should be up.
I had 3, two on ProBoards, 1 on Xenforo. One got reported and taken down and the other two I deleted. Not going down that road again. Not enough profit considering the workload and frustrations. Plus the spammers were driving me bananas.
An update from me. At this time I now have one website that I co-own with my other half and I am also working on two other websites at this time that I hope to open up when I am ready :)
An update from me. At this time I now have one website that I co-own with my other half and I am also working on two other websites at this time that I hope to open up when I am ready :)
Please PM when they are up and running as I'd like to check them out.
None. However, I have plans for creating a portfolio website. I use a lot of social media platforms including Li Kedington where I share my resume. I also use a service called Link Tree where I can share all of my links. Maintaining a website takes a lot of effort and also money. These days, you can use social media just like your own website where you can share about you and your work. Having said that I will certainly launch my website some day but at the moment I am just not ready for a.website.
I have been creating websites myself since I was around 15 years old and still now I have a few websites that I run in between my work and such.

At the moment I currently co-own a forum with my other half and I also have a blog as well that I am working on. I feel with the two I am running at the moment plus another blog I hope to open soon when that is ready, that will be more than enough for me.

How many websites are you currently running at the moment?
I don't own any website at the moment. I am the type that is pretty focused on learning the basics before I begin to own stuffs, and running a website is one thing that I will need a lot of time to think through before getting one.

So, it is for that reason that I am yet to run any website for any reason at the moment because I don't understand the basics.

I don't own any website at the moment. I am the type that is pretty focused on learning the basics before I begin to own stuffs, and running a website is one thing that I will need a lot of time to think through before getting one.

So, it is for that reason that I am yet to run any website for any reason at the moment because I don't understand the basics.
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I have two websites: Managing both sites consumes too much of my energy, especially with content creation.

I plan to consolidate and operate only one website in the future.
I currently only own one website, it’s a Virtual pets forum, we cover the pet games industry and discuss online games. I have plans to launch more websites in the future though. At one point, I used to run 4 websites and I plan to do that again. I love being a webmaster.