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How many times you charge your mobile daily?



Mar 24, 2024
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If I need to use my phone for a long duration and these days I am working more with my phone so sometimes charge my phone 3 times in a day because it's on 5G network and it consumes battery so quickly.
I keep my phone on charge almost for the whole day because it's an old phone which I need to change but I don't have money to change it.
I charge my mobile only once at night only as it sufficiently work whole day.
I charge my phone depending on its usage, sometimes when I use it a lot, I charge twice every 24 hours, and when I am not using it too much, I charge once every 24 hours. My phone has a good battery backup despite being a couple of years old
Due to the fact that I make use of my phone all day long, I can charge it any time. I don't need to wait till it's very low in battery before charging it which means I can charge up to three times a day.