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  • We have now changed the post count rule to post your website in the Website Directory and the Member Showcase to 10, this was previously 50 but we felt it was too high. You can read more about this change here >>> https://discussionhub.net/threads/update-of-rules-for-the-member-showcase.4356/

How many languages do you speak?

Chinese is no longer a mysterious language as before as with 5 minutes every day to maintain your Duolingo streak, you could learn han yu every day. Also, German language is reputable as horen and sprechen because everyone needs contract of work in Germany. As the reputable want of people: Ich werde nach Deutschland fliegen. Korean and Latin are a little hard.
There are some languages which are more difficult than the others but what I know is that it's your determination and commitment to learning any language that will make it feasible for you to learn and understand it more quickly than someone who is not dedicated to learning.
I can speak English. It is the main medium of instruction in the classroom. I can also speak Spanish. I learned Spanish in the university. It's an additional subject I enrolled just to learn. I can also speak French. I was hired to reach French for caregiver students and the pay was great. I always listen to audios and watch videos. French language is hard to learn and teach. I am teaching university Physics.

Daily Poll: Which universe do you prefer?

  • Marvel

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • DC

    Votes: 2 66.7%
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