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How many kids do you want?

I would want to have 5 kids, that is 3 boys and 2 girls. The ones that will look after me and my husband in our old age.
I think it's cool to have a lot of kids because there will always be fun at home. Of course, there can be many more problems, but this is life and it is interesting. I don't know if I could hold that much
I grew up in a large polygamous family and I saw firsthand the dangers of having so many kids in terms of financial stability. That's the reason I won't have more than two kids. If my future wife agrees, I can even have one.
I grew up in a large polygamous family and I saw firsthand the dangers of having so many kids in terms of financial stability. That's the reason I won't have more than two kids. If my future wife agrees, I can even have one.
Yes, it's very difficult in today's world to have many children because everyone has big problems with finances and it's cool that you think about the child first and whether you can give him a comfortable life because my parents didn't think about that
I want just one child. Preferably, a daughter. I want to be able to take excellent care of any child I birth. That's why I don't want to have more than one child. If my finances improve with time, I hope to adopt one more.
While growing up, I usually say that I wanted 5 to 6 kids. But now I'm grown and I have started to experience some responsibilities, so the number of kids have been reduced on my part. Now I want 2 to 3 kids maximum.
If I were to get married tomorrow, my partner and I would likely want to have 2-children together. I've always envisioned having a medium-sized family large enough to create a lively, supportive household, but still manageable. Two kids would allow us to comfortably provide for them and give them plenty of individual attention.. I'd want to have an open dialogue with my partner to decide on a family size that works best for us.
I have a wife now, but we haven't even talked about plans to have children yet. But I thought to myself that I would like to have at least 3 children, because for me it is joy
Not more than 3 because it's so expensive and difficult to pay for their education.
I know that I have to give birth to a child myself, so this is a delicate question for me, because I understand what pain it is. For now, I don't plan to have more than 1 child, but things may change over time
I have three kids already and I do not have intentions to make babies again. honestly, raising kids is very stressful and it's not an easy task at all.
You have tried actually, three kids are enough in this economy that we live in. Just make sure that you provide adequate training and provision for the kids. If they do not lack they will grow up fine.
My story is quite unique. I had always planned to have a single child, but during my wife's pregnancy and ultrasound, we noticed that she was carrying twins. God blessed us with the extra, and my wife's dream of having two children became a reality the day we tied the knot.
I would prefer 2 kids and I feel its ideal to have at least 2 kids but these days due to rising inflation and money involved in education system most prefer to have 1 kid
@Ginger That's true; most people think the way you think. One kid is more than sufficient because of the high cost of education these days . Also, to control the population of the country, one must think the way they think.
I have 4 kids myself, two of them are now adults and the other two are a few years off being adults now.

I would have liked to have maybe one or two more but with my age and health, it may not be something I will be able to do now.
Didn't know you had kids, that's really nice though. Am not married yet, but am hoping to my someone nice one day and finally get married. But I want this in a time where I am financially stable.
In the west people do prefer to have more kids and 3-4 is quite common and I think the reason behind it is healthcare and education
My story is quite unique. I had always planned to have a single child, but during my wife's pregnancy and ultrasound, we noticed that she was carrying twins. God blessed us with the extra, and my wife's dream of having two children became a reality the day we tied the knot.
That's good news! As a twin myself, I'm happy to hear that. Do you still plan to have more?
No, I don't have a plan to have more kids now. Is your twin, a sister or a brother? I have always wanted to have one kid.
Maybe more than four kids
Most people get married to have kids and start up their own family. Although, some people don't want to have kids for their own reasons. If you get married tomorrow, assuming you want to have kids, how many kids would you like to have with your partner?

I grew up in a large polygamous family and I saw firsthand the dangers of having so many kids in terms of financial stability. That's the reason I won't have more than two kids. If my future wife agrees, I can even have one.
Yeah if you think it's be right
When I was young I was thinking that more children gives you more happiness but i learn that it is hard to teach them feed theme and more so I will be satisfied with Two children
That's true!!
These days, when inflation is too high, it's not easy to have one kid. I have two kids, and I know how costly the education system is here. I have to spend approximately $2000 per year on each of my kids. It's not an easy job here.