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How many hours do you spend on TikTok a week?

I don't have a set pattern so I check Tiktok whenever I have free time otherwise I am busy with work.
I make sure I go live on TikTok at least once every week to engage with my followers. Apart from that, I spend one hour everyday on TikTok in the evenings. On the average, I spend up to 8 hours on Twitter every week.
If I'm being honest, way too many hours! TikTok is such a dangerously addictive time-suck. I'll open the app for a quick mindless scroll, and before I know it, an hour has flown by. Between watching endless videos of cooking hacks, pet clips, and the latest trends and challenges, I easily spend 1-2 hours per week on TikTok. It's pure entertainment and kind of a waste of time, but the seamless content feed just keeps me endlessly swiping. I really need to be better about setting limits!
I make sure I go live on TikTok at least once every week to engage with my followers. Apart from that, I spend one hour everyday on TikTok in the evenings. On the average, I spend up to 8 hours on Twitter every week.
How many followers do you have? How many of them watch your live on average? Do you manage to earn something from this? And if not, do you plan to make money thanks to TikTok?
It's definitely a cool app to promote a business, but over the years it will become more difficult due to the large number of people. When I posted the first video, I could easily get 5 thousand views, but now there are not always 200

Can we link this to why USA banned the use of the app? That is definitely going to be a reason for that kind of low views. You know that there are times that an app reaching a wider range of people can be a reason for high activity.
I don't normally keep track though, but I know one thing is for sure I rarely use the app. Most times i don't even use it up to ten times in a whole month. Then there are times where I just check it out for one or two videos.
TikTok is banned in India and actually I have never liked Tiktok so I don't have any interest in it but recently I have started to like Instagram reels and some of these are really good.
At the moment am not using Tokyo so I use YouTube and twitter am not conversant using Tokyo because YouTube carried my days
I am a very busy person, so I do not use social media that much. I registered a TikTok account some years ago, but I haven't spent an hour on it altogether. I even prefer using Facebook and Instagram more compared to TikTok.
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I do not use it anymore. YouTube is better. Now with Shorts around there is no need for TikTok. Shorts got enough junk for the whole day.
Tiktok is still doing well. Facebook copied them with reels just like youtube did with shorts, but they’re still not putting a dent in Tiktok’s traffic. There’s just too many creators on Tiktok and infuencers.
I am someone who has gotten addicted to social media platforms, especially tiktok. I try not to log in to the forum, because whenever I do, I might just spend the whole day there. Maybe like one quarter of the day is spent on tiktok in my case.
I don't really use TikTok very much, so I think less than 1 hour a week, I used to use the app a little more, but it has never been very attractive to me.
I used to use both TikTok and Snapchat, but now I deleted TikTok because there are a lot of spam videos and Snapchat is much cooler in this regard. However, at that time I spent no more than 3 hours a week on TikTok because it did not drag me like others
Even when Tiktok was available in India, I disliked it as I felt it was just a waste of time to access these apps and now all social networking apps are filled with same content LOL so we cannot run away from it
I don't watch it because it's restricted in India. Furthermore, I never wasted time on it when it wasn't banned. Everything we see on Tiktok appears to be stage-managed falsehood. I abhor such types of apps. I've seen folks become extremely reliant on it and lose a lot of their valuable time.
TikTok is a big apolicatuin and the people say that he control human minds, I agree with them cause most of my day i sepend it on tiktok like 6 hours+
I hear you! While TikTokcan be fun for videos, I haven't found it the most effective for business marketing. That's why I focus on [Your App name], which seems to be a much better fit for reaching my target audience. Different platforms have different strengths, so finding the right one for your goals is key!
I open TikTok everyday, I have gotten addicted to it I guess. Still trying to see if I can tone down the amount of time I use on it daily.