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How fast can you type?

Ja sa bong


Sep 23, 2023
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Would you consider yourself as someone who's a fast typer? It depends on the device that I'm using which is going to make me type faster or slow. If I'm on my laptop, I can type about 50 to 60 words in a minute but I can't do the same on smartphone.

How fast can you type? What helped you to become a fast typer?
I’m a pretty fast typer regardless of whether I’m using a keyboard or my phone. I haven’t done a typing test in a few years but I imagine I’d be faster than the average person.
I can type very fast. In fact, it would be a good job asset, but I'm not interested in secretary jobs. Anyhow, typing is a big help to someone who would works with cellphones and computers, which is what I do.
I'm pretty fast at typing, but not as good in spelling, lol. I took one year of typing in high school so that definitely helped.
I'm not a fast typer. Why do I need to rush whatever I'm typing? Fast tying comes with a lot typo errors, it's why I don't worry about it.
It depends. If I'm using my phone keyboard, I can be quite fast at typing but when it comes to a computer keyboard, I'm not very fast as I'm always messing up on spellings somewhere if I type too fast.
I've never taken any test to find out how fast I can type. I know that I'm not too slow, maybe I have average typing speed. Is there any website to take the test on?
This is the result I arrived at after using the tool 10fastfingers to check how fast I can type.

I've not measured it but I can type pretty fast. I have also developed the skill to type without actually looking at the keyboard. My friends get amazed whenever they see my type lol. Since childhood, I've been using computers. That's why I have got this speed at typing.
I'm pretty fast at typing, but not as good in spelling, lol. I took one year of typing in high school so that definitely helped.
It is very common for you to make mistakes when you are trying to rush type in anything online with your computer laptop. This is why some people don't care about how fast they can type but how accurate they can type. It's pointless typing very fast but only to have everything full of errors.
I never write very hard on the keyboard and I also write on a smartphone even more slowly than on the keyboard. I now have a speed of about 35 words per minute and I reached it because I started practicing every day and it is gradually increasing
With more practice every day, it's going to help you improve on how fast you can type on both mobile phone screen board and laptop or PC keyboard. I can remember my days back in the university, I took a course called Typewriting. It helped learn how to use the old machine and improve my typing speed.
I am not a good typer, not just on my smartphone but also on my laptop. Normally I avoid using smartphone for the tasks that require a lot of typing, for instance, answering emails, sending text messages, chatting on messengers, even posting on forums. I have no checked my current typing speed on my laptop but last time it was 40 words per minutes
If I'm looking at how fast I can type on either my smartphone or my laptop or my PC, I'm more faster with the PC keyboard and my laptop than I do with my smartphone. It does not mean I'm too slow when I'm using my smartphone as well. I'm fast on it but not as fast as I get with my laptop or PC.
This is the result I arrived at after using the tool 10fastfingers to check how fast I can type.

View attachment 43
Wow, this is a lot for me, but I know that for those who type with all their fingers, this is not the top and can be improved. I have now learned to type using only 5 fingers so if I get that fast it will be fast for 5 fingers
I make use of all of my fingers to type when I'm using either my laptop or my PC's keyboard to type. It's only when I'm making use of my mobile phone that I don't get to use all of my fingers to type which is why I don't type very fast while I'm using my mobile phone.
I don't care about how fast I can type. I've never heard they paid anyone for being a fast typer. Unless I'm working as an office clerk who needs to type so many things, I'll improve my typing speed.
I don't care about how fast I can type. I've never heard they paid anyone for being a fast typer. Unless I'm working as an office clerk who needs to type so many things, I'll improve my typing speed.

It is true about not getting paid because you type very fast which is why I am sure a lot of people are not worried about how fast they are typing when they are communicating with their friends online using any social media site or even working in their different offices because they are not going to be queried for typing slow.
I don't care about how fast I can type. I've never heard they paid anyone for being a fast typer. Unless I'm working as an office clerk who needs to type so many things, I'll improve my typing speed.
It is not only related to the payment because sometimes it is even just much more convenient for yourself because you can save time and sometimes do the work much faster and get a lot of free time for yourself
Never counted, but I do type decently. It is not hard work for me at all.

I make very less mistakes. I prefer it that way over very fast typing.