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How do you celebrate your birthday?

Yes, I am born in Delhi but have shifted to different place within Delhi 5 years ago , so not much interested contact with the neighbors here.
I think this is what is happening in Metro cities where not anyone have time for each other
Yes, that is true. In metropolises, people don't want to talk to or know about their neighbors. I see my neighbor daily; neither he nor I talk to each other. Maybe we all have egos and don't want to talk first to the person.
Yes I feel we wait for the other person to start the chat, even though I am not friendly with my neighbors
I also do not have a close relationship with my neighbors as well. So there is no need inviting them.
I am like that too and we invite neighbors rarely as its a personal event and in the same way even I don't like to go on birthday parties
Nobody knows that we are celebrating anything in our compound or neighbourhood because of how quiet everywhere will be. My house can become noisy a bit if my aunts visited or if her children came.
Since I’m an adult, I celebrate my birthday by going out to the bar with my buddies and I’ll have a couple of drinks.
Off course you are right and I agreed with your words and yes I do celebrating my birthday because I love to have a memorable moments in my life because no body knows tomorrow and may be it's will be your last memorable celebration so I love having good memories in such occasions
This year, I celebrated my birthday lavishly. It's because my ex paid me partially $1000 after 6 years. He still have a standing balance of $000.He promised to fully pay me next year. I hope it's not never. I better spend the money he paid to compensate my struggles of waiting.