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How did you get interested in your hobby?



Mar 28, 2024
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My interest in woodworking started when I helped my dad build a patio deck onto our house as a kid. Seeing how you could take raw lumber and shape it into something beautiful and functional was fascinating to me. From there, I started making small projects like birdhouses and cutting boards. As I got older and could invest in better tools, my skills and ambition grew. Now transforming rough wood into finely crafted furniture gives me a profound sense of satisfaction. It's a creative outlet, a hands-on challenge, and a way to make lasting pieces.

How did you get interested in your hobby?
I can't really say that there was a time I developed a hobby. It just happened, my hobby of playing football and tennis probably stemmed from my elementary and high school days, but I can't be so sure.
On this particular day I saw two people playing table tennis. They were so good in it and I was jealous. Since then I had in in mind, to became a good player too.
Right from time I have always enjoyed watching movies and reading books. I think my interest for books grew after I finished secondary school.
On this particular day I saw two people playing table tennis. They were so good in it and I was jealous. Since then I had in in mind, to became a good player too.
That was great! Most times what makes us develop an interest in a hobby is because we see people doing it, and they are so good at it. Thats why we develop an interest in the hobby too.
That's great!!

One of my aunts used to make things through arts and crafts. While watching her, I got interested in it. She was skilled in pottery, too. I thought of trying my hands on it but could not, because in those days we didn't have a Potter's wheel like we have these days.
I love learning new skills, I don't know if that classifies as a hobby as well.
My hobby is music, it lifts my spirit the way religion does for those who believe.
What kind of music do you like listening to by the way.
I was into domaining as a hobby. It is fun to think of new domain names and to assess the value of them.

Another hobby I like is web development. I love making websites, normally forums. Anyway, I got into domaining and web development over time, starting when a friend from a church I was attending started sparking my interest after I sought his help to develop and online shopping site (turned out to be like a scam, lol).
I was into domaining as a hobby. It is fun to think of new domain names and to assess the value of them.

Another hobby I like is web development. I love making websites, normally forums. Anyway, I got into domaining and web development over time, starting when a friend from a church I was attending started sparking my interest after I sought his help to develop and online shopping site (turned out to be like a scam, lol).
Lol he wanted to create a scam site or was he trying to scam you directly?
My hobby is music, it lifts my spirit the way religion does for those who believe.

😀What sort of music you like?

It's not necessary to relate things with the religion. It's not good.
My favorite music is soft instrumental music. The Stingray Music channel "The Spa" has nice music. (channel 927)
I'm not a mind reader and have no idea what you are going on about.
"It's not necessary to relate things with the religion."

I asked this.
I was into domaining as a hobby. It is fun to think of new domain names and to assess the value of them.

Another hobby I like is web development. I love making websites, normally forums. Anyway, I got into domaining and web development over time, starting when a friend from a church I was attending started sparking my interest after I sought his help to develop and online shopping site (turned out to be like a scam, lol).
It is great that you consider web development to be a hobby while a lot of people are learning it to have a career from it.
I love playing football, that's a hobby I can never ditch fir anything in this world. I wish I had the opportunity to go professional.
I love playing football, that's a hobby I can never ditch fir anything in this world. I wish I had the opportunity to go professional.
Professional football is a great career if one is fortunate. Is it too late now to have that dream?