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How can I prevent and treat common workout injuries?



Oct 30, 2023
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Do you frequently get injured while exercising? How do you prevent it? Well, to prevent workout injuries, focus on proper warm-up and cool-down routines, gradually increase exercise intensity and duration, use correct form during exercises, and listen to your body's signals of discomfort. If injuries do occur, rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) can help alleviate symptoms and promote healing.
The best way which you can prevent work out injuries is to make sure that you are not putting too much pressure on yourself whenever you're working out. Engage in workout training drills that are safer for your body to endure and also take a break as frequent as possible. It is the way I know but you can prevent getting injured whenever you are working out.
Don't ever push yourself through pain to fulfil a workout. You have to listen to your body and if you are experiencing discomfort, just skip a day or two so that the pain would go away. That would help reduce injury.
I used to just work through mine by using less weight and greatly slowing down the pace.
I most often have injuries related to my legs because I run most of the time and it does not depend on how much I warm up, I still get such injuries. But it is not very serious and in 2 days I am fully recovered
When I first started I usually get injuries a lot, but with time I came to understand that to achieve my goals I don't have to kill myself In one day, or put too much pressure on my body in one day, it takes time. Since then I have learn to know my limits.
Thankfully, I haven't had too many exercise-related injuries, but I'm very cautious to prevent them. Proper warm-ups and cool-downs are crucial, as are gradually increasing weight and intensity. Listening to my body and not pushing through sharp pains is key. Varying my routine to avoid overuse issues and allowing rest days for recovery also helps tremendously.