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Hosting Problems


Active Contributor

Nov 4, 2023
Reaction score
Who has experienced DDOS errors, slow time, etc.? How did you deal with the challenge? What did you learn?
I've never had any DDOS attack or error downtime from the hosting company I'm using to run my forum project. This is why I love the services I'm getting from BlueHost.
It's not too often I experience any kind of DDOS attack or any other issues such as hacking but I have been on the receiving end of it in the past.

I now use Cloudflare where I can and that has helped a lot but also keeping your software and any plugins you use up to date will help a great deal.
I been running websites for many years and experienced many DDoS attacks. As @Shortie pointed out, Cloudflare is effective in countering DDoS attacks and concealing your IPs to safeguard against various hacking techniques. However, on a personal note, I've placed a few of my own servers behind a hardware firewall. This strategy has proven successful in thwarting most, if not all, DDoS attacks.
I've never had to deal with a DDOS attack myself, but I've dealt with some downtime in the past. Never with the current hosts I use, but when I tried using Dreamhost my website never seemed to work. I waited for the DNS to update with my domain name, but after 72 hours and still nothing I just went ahead and canceled my plan. I even reached out to customer service and they never replied to my ticket, so I can't recommend this host at all. Heck I've used free hosts in the past and got instant access with no issues. I also don't advise using X10 premium host either since I had a similar issue where my account never was activated yet I paid for the service.
You can't suffer DDoS attack when you don't have a website right and that's where I fall into but I've been on several websites/forums which I use and some of them have experienced DDoS attack once in a while. Forum Promotion was one of such forum DDoS attack dealt with last year.
You can't suffer DDoS attack when you don't have a website right and that's where I fall into but I've been on several websites/forums which I use and some of them have experienced DDoS attack once in a while. Forum Promotion was one of such forum DDoS attack dealt with last year.
Or you are the only person who is visiting your website or does not have a lot of people that are viewing it. Some websites are small communities. DDOS attacks are for popular forums or websites instead. Hackers choose where to attack.
I once experienced DDoS on my forum, my forum was attacked twice in two days. The issue occurred when someone jealous of the forum where I worked started targeting the staff's website. Because of this attack, I started using Cloudflare for my forum. Apart from this one, I have never encountered any other problems
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I don't have a website, so 8 do not have a first hand experience with something called DDoS, but I have seen this happen to multiple websites. I believe this is mainly a work of a competitor
This was a regular problem that Index Forum used to experience almost on a daily basis till the new admin took over. I think setting up your security well and good communication with the hosting company can make this a distant problem for a site.