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Have you taken loan to buy a house?



Apr 30, 2024
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As the price of a property is high these days everywhere, buying a house is impossible for a middle-class family. In such a situation, it is a great help if you get a loan from the bank. I got a parental house, so I was never required to buy a house, but I have always wished to buy one. I am planning to take out a loan to buy a house in the future. Have you taken a loan from the bank or planning, to buy a house?
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As the price of a property is high these days everywhere, buying a house is impossible for a middle-class family. In such a situation, it is a great help if you get a loan from the bank. I got a parental house, so I was never required to buy a house, but I have always wished to buy one. I am planning to take out a loan to buy a house in the future. Have you taken a loan from the bank or planning, to buy a house?
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Actually I am not in to it because I never have a stable job and I am still studying but I have never tried taken loan and I am not planning on taken loans in the future because I don't feel comfortable at all my moment I will be thinking about it over and again