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Have you started using Threads?

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Sep 23, 2023
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Threads is the latest social media site which Mark Zuckerberg launched to bring competition for Twitter. It was launched on July 5, 2023 when it would appear Twitter was having issues because of the changes Elon Musk was making on Twitter.

A lot of people joined using Threads but it would appear most of them still never quit using Twitter.

Have you registered on Threads? Do you find it more interesting than Twitter?
I signed up on Threads when it first launched to the public but I have barely used it since the first week. It’s lacking in functionality and as much of a clown Elon Musk is, Twitter is still my go-to app. Threads has a long way to go before it reaches Twitter’s level.
I tried it and while I do personally like it much better than Twitter, I just don't find myself using it too much. I did add the link to my general discussion forum to my profile on threads though lol. Honestly the main thing I like about it over Twitter is the fact that there's no character limit. Oh and Elon Musk doesn't own it, but it's owned by Meta so I guess that's not much better though lol.
No, and I likely never will, for the simple reason that microblogging is of no interest to me whatsoever. I much prefer forums, which allow us to have more long-form and in-depth conversations (whereas, on places like Threads and Twitter, the expectation is that posts should be short, even if there's no longer an official character limit!)
I never heard of it. Well, I do know Zuckerberg owns Instagram. What else does he own? Anyhow, it's all under his company Meta.
I never heard of it. Well, I do know Zuckerberg owns Instagram. What else does he own? Anyhow, it's all under his company Meta.
Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and most recently Threads are all a part of Meta.
Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and most recently Threads are all a part of Meta.
Instagram is fun. However, I have little time for it. I use FB nearly all the time cause for one thing, my drumming stuff is on it.
No, I don't use Threads and I don't plan to. I was managing to cope with Twitter but couldn't. I don't want to add more stress to my life.
Unfortunately, I couldn't be able to make use of Threads no matter how much I tried. Everything that was on the application looks like a copycat from Twitter which wasn't that interesting or impressive in my opinion.
I downloaded Threads when it was released, but I never used it.
I don't see the point in using Threads when I have Twitter and can just post stuff on my Instagram.
I can remember when Thread was launched and a lot of people talked about how they are going to rival Twitter. I laughed it off and I am glad that I've been proven right so far. Even with Twitter being renamed X app, it has continued to do a lot of numbers with more users joining.
I never heard of it. Well, I do know Zuckerberg owns Instagram. What else does he own? Anyhow, it's all under his company Meta.
Mark Zuckerberg is a very smart business man. He's one of greatest entrepreneur of our time who's into running and dominating the social media space. I'm sure if he had the opportunity to buy Twitter ahead of Elon Musk, he would do it. This was what led him to create a new copy of Twitter with Threads.
I have Googled it and I found threads.com and threads.net but I did not know either website is concerned by this discussion. Threads.net has a design similar to Instagram and you join with Instagram while at Threads.com you sign up with a Google Account. A clarification is much appreciated.
I think Threads is already dying. When it was making big news, I did not get started. I am not a person who jumps into a band wagon. I did not think I could build a huge following on that site,therefore, I did not join. IT is really difficult to build followers and if you do not have followers, you cannot become successful.Therefore, I like staying on platforms where I already have followers.
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Yes, I believe that Threats is also dying now too. Elon Musk have been able to reinforce so many things on Twitter, thereby making it to become better than it used to be. It was when he was making those changes that so much were agitating but now everyone is happy with it. This is why they stopped paying much attention to Threads.
Yes, I believe that Threats is also dying now too. Elon Musk have been able to reinforce so many things on Twitter, thereby making it to become better than it used to be. It was when he was making those changes that so much were agitating but now everyone is happy with it. This is why they stopped paying much attention to Threads.
The reason behind the popularity of Twitter is not its content but it is related to airdrops or to complete airdrop claims there are actions to accomplish with Twitter except other networks like Discord, which means most users join for only that purpose.
The reason behind the popularity of Twitter is not its content but it is related to airdrops or to complete airdrop claims there are actions to accomplish with Twitter except other networks like Discord, which means most users join for only that purpose.
There are no kind of contents which I have not seen on Twitter. I have gone to the extent of seeing so much porn in on the social media site. How to use Twitter or any other social media is to be selective of what you subscribe to. This is what will limit the things you are going to be seeing on those sites.
The word was that it would take down Twitter in no time. But it was like a bubble. Did it burst, I don't know. I am not riding that train anymore.
The word was that it would take down Twitter in no time. But it was like a bubble. Did it burst, I don't know. I am not riding that train anymore.
Yes, everyone thought Twitter would have been histroy by now because of the kind of hype the new social media site Threads carried with it. Also, Twitter was making so many changes then. A lot of people were not happy with it. After everything, Twitter sorted everything out and have Threads hurting now.

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