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Have you ever Tried Bitter Gourd Juice?



Mar 23, 2024
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I see many talk about having Bitter Gourd juice and its health benefits and as per them its a must for everyone fighting with diabetes but I guess it's quite hard to have this juice because of its bitter taste.

Have you ever Tried Bitter Gourd Juice?
I heard it is great for lowing blood sugar level. I have not drank this before though, maybe one day I might give it a try.
I don't like bitter gourds. Yes, it can lower the blood sugar level for the time being, but it cannot do it forever. I once tried the juice of it but was never able to finish it, and since then I have never thought of trying it.
I don't even like cooked bitter gourd so there is no question about trying it's Juice
As per my knowledge Bittergourd juice is only for those that have diabetes so I don't like to have this juice