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Have you ever lost money on the street?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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I haven't used cash for a long time, but when I was younger and my parents gave me money, I often lost it. My parents were constantly angry with me, but I couldn't do anything, I don't even know how they fell out of my pocket
I have lost money a couple of times. The last time I lost money when I was buying long distance travel ticket, it was a big amount so I was very frustrated. However, a week later when I was walking on the street I found money someone had dropped, it was exactly the same amount, so I was very happy.
No way, if you found the same one, this is exactly a sign that nature sends. I managed to find funds on the street, but they were only small amounts and they did not cover the amounts that I lost
I have even lost money on the street as an adult. And it happens most times when I am in a hurry and I need to rush. That's why I don't like dealing with cash. But one can't help as most petty businesses require that transactions should always be done with cash.
I have even lost money on the street as an adult. And it happens most times when I am in a hurry and I need to rush. That's why I don't like dealing with cash. But one can't help as most petty businesses require that transactions should always be done with cash.
I also have cases, but due to the fact that I did not have a wallet and the money was sloppy in my pocket, and when I, for example, wanted to take the phone out of my pocket, all this money got stuck together with it and fell out, and I did not notice it
Nope, I haven't dropped my money unknowingly on the street. My money is always in my wallet or my purse. I can't throw away my whole purse.
No I haven't but I have found money on the street. It was never a large amount but still...
I am not a type that lost money like that, I can only remember I lost a money once when I was young and that is due to torn trousers pocket, which I think I keep the money inside my pocket but later detect that it is torn
I haven't used cash for a long time, but when I was younger and my parents gave me money, I often lost it. My parents were constantly angry with me, but I couldn't do anything, I don't even know how they fell out of my pocket
I have lost money countless times, there was one that happened when I was in elementary school, I lost my money for lunch and I felt bad thoroughout the day..
I have not lost money on the street for any reason. I have been very careful with the way that I handle cash and that involves ensuring that I carry little cash anywhere that I go.

So, the case of losing cash is one that I will never think of at the moment since I hate to lose my funds at any point in time.
Yes I have lost money a few times while walking on the road. Thankfully they are not huge money so my mum will let it go, after some punishment that is. I feel sad knowing that someone out there will just take the money he didn't work for on the floor.
These days I am totally into digital transactions and don't carry much cash around. But I used to carry them earlier. I have dropped money a few times on streets. Fortunately, it was not a big amount. Once I dropped a big note of 500 Indian rupees while taking our something from my bag. Glad that the person behind me noticed it and brought it to my attention.
I once found two notes of 500 on the street while walking inside our apartment complex. I posted about the same in the community group and asked the owner to take it from me. But no one turned up to claim it for a month. I donated 500 and used the other 500 to order ice creams for my family and friends for a gathering
Yes I have lost money before on the street several times. There was one time I lost what I had for transportation. I had to walk a very long distance just to meet up. It was really painful though.
Unfortunately, I have been the victim of losing cash on the street before. It was a sickening feeling reaching into my purse and realizing some bills were missing. I frantically retraced my steps, checking gutters and scanning the ground, but the money was gone for good. Since then, I've been extremely vigilant about keepingmy wallet secure and being aware of my surroundings to prevent any more careless losses.
Back in the day, I was at McDonalds and the wind blew $20 out of my hand and it blew down the road. There was no catching it, I was kind of bummed out because $20 was a lot of money back then.
I've never lost a significant amount, but I did lose maybe $500 dollars on a bus once. It was never recovered. Well, I learned my lesson.
I also often lose funds on the street. Usually these are small amounts because I only carry small bills in my pockets, but this happens when I don't notice when the funds fall out of my pocket at the moment when I take out something else
Yesterday my daughter dropped her money bag while walking in the campus. She realised it soon and picked up. But the money and coin had fallen out. She picked them all. But she feels that one coin of Rs10 rolled away and she could not find it. It might have got lost in the flower beds.