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Have you ever eaten an insect?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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In my childhood, I often had such cases when I accidentally ate an insect during a meal that flew into my mouth by itself. However, I never did it on purpose
Never intentionally, but yes I've had a mosquito fly right into my mouth and down my throat! Terrible feeling, and it never made it out! 😔

My uncle, who has realllly big nostrils actually had a fly go straight up his nostril, apparently it happened to go up the moment he was taking a deep breath, my uncle went crazy trying to get the fly back out, blowing his nose, coughing, making all kind of weird noises until it eventually he coughed it out! He said it was the worse feeling he ever felt in his nose.
In my country, there is a particular flying insect that comes out after it has rained, and people use to harvest them ans fry to eat. I have been served that twice and I munched away. Very delicious. I don't know the English name if the insect but it comes out after it rains heavily.
Intentionally no, I have never eaten an insect before but I believe there have been several cases I have eaten it before by accident.
On a dare I ate a chocolate covered grasshopper, I almost gagged but I did it.:unsure:
There was the time I opened a drink and started drinking only for me to notice something, so I spit it out and I saw that it was a cockroach. I vomited every of the drink! I didn't take that drink for months again.
I had such a case, but it was in a Chinese restaurant. There they cooked something that looked like an insect, so I'm not sure what it was, but it tasted good. But for some reason it's all very expensive even though it would seem that insects fly everywhere and you can catch them for free LOL
I have ever try it before but the thing does not help me at all I felt regretted and felt remorse but my friend try it and he said the thing it sweet but I can't believe it yet
No I have never eaten an insects intentionally but I don't know why the Chinese does not care about taken some
Yuck 🤣 I am not from China. And I know of only Chinese people that eat insects of all types and even Cockroach
Yes, it has happened to me since childhood, unintentionally. And on many occasions, I have vomitted it out. It's very normal and might have happened with many of us.