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Have you ever been taken away by an ambulance because of an illness?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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I had cases when I felt so bad that I had to call an ambulance. However, this is literally two times, but it was unforgettable to drive at 4 in the morning along the empty streets of the city and also lie down. Have you had such an experience and what made you sick?
No, I have never been taken away to the hospital by ambulance. I have also never been admitted to a hospital. My parents say when I was a child I used to be very sick but still I was never rushed to the hospital through an ambulance. However, my siblings had to be rushed to the hospital in an ambulance multiple times
No, I have never been taken on an ambulance ride to the hospital before as a result of any kind of health challenges. I am always very healthy most of the time and even when I am sick, it is not something that will require me being taken to the hospital with an ambulance.
No, I have never been taken on an ambulance ride to the hospital before as a result of any kind of health challenges. I am always very healthy most of the time and even when I am sick, it is not something that will require me being taken to the hospital with an ambulance.
I hope that this will never happen to you, just in case of a serious illness, are you ready to call an ambulance or would you rather get to the hospital on your own and early. Because I called an ambulance at the last moment when I was really sick
This has never happened to me so far, and I do hope I don't get to experience this anytime soon. I have seen it happen to people though and it can be pretty scary sometimes.
This has never happened to me so far, and I do hope I don't get to experience this anytime soon. I have seen it happen to people though and it can be pretty scary sometimes.
When you're healthy, it doesn't matter that an ambulance has come to someone, but when they call you, you're really not kidding because it can be overwhelming and at that moment you don't think about the fact that you can now ride an ambulance for free :)
It was in college and in the hostel. I was having tremors with such a high fever. The hostel mates had to call the college health centre and they sent an ambulance since I simply wasn't able to walk down there. Really scary experience as the whole hostel occupants started praying everywhere.
I have been taken by an ambulance car before but I am not the one that is sick but a junior colleges when I was in secondary and we later have to rush him to the school ambulance car and I was ask to sit to excort him to the clinic
I had cases when I felt so bad that I had to call an ambulance. However, this is literally two times, but it was unforgettable to drive at 4 in the morning along the empty streets of the city and also lie down. Have you had such an experience and what made you sick?
Wow, glad you are better..
I have never experienced such but I have seen cases of this and always pray they get well soon because it is a devastating experience.
I had cases when I felt so bad that I had to call an ambulance. However, this is literally two times, but it was unforgettable to drive at 4 in the morning along the empty streets of the city and also lie down. Have you had such an experience and what made you sick?
I have never been taken away in an ambulance and this is because I have never found myself in critical situation and I pray not to.
No, I have never been taken into an ambulance of because of an illness before. I have never also had an accident for me to be taken to the hospital with an ambulance. I don't even know how the inside of an ambulance looks like and I pray that I don't get to find out.
I have never had to be transported by ambulance due to a serious illness. I consider myself quite fortunate in that regard, as I know many people face medical emergencies that require urgent, emergency care, I'm grateful that I've been able to maintain my health and avoid any situations where an ambulance ride would have been necessary.
Fortunately, I have never experienced it and don't want to experience it in the future either. I was admitted to a hospital only once recently as I had a fistula surgery, and the hospital was nearby my home. I went to the hospital on foot.
I thank God for good health. There has never been a time that I was taken away by an ambulance because I was sick. I ensure that I eat more herbs, and they have made me stay fit and strong.
I thank God for good health. There has never been a time that I was taken away by an ambulance because I was sick. I ensure that I eat more herbs, and they have made me stay fit and strong.
Same here, I have never been admitted in a hospital or clinic as well. The only time I have been to the hospital was when I was going for checkup for a job I applied for and when my ssters where about giving birth.
Same here, I have never been admitted in a hospital or clinic as well. The only time I have been to the hospital was when I was going for checkup for a job I applied for and when my ssters where about giving birth.

That's good. I mean anyone that is healthy doesn't know what God has done for them. I have seen families spend a lot in the hospital, and at the end of the day, the patient kicked the bucket. So, for that reason, I am always thankful for life.
That's good. I mean anyone that is healthy doesn't know what God has done for them. I have seen families spend a lot in the hospital, and at the end of the day, the patient kicked the bucket. So, for that reason, I am always thankful for life.
Very true, we tend to take it for granted. When I saw what others where going through, I stopped saying God has not done enough for me and started thanking him.
I thank God for good health. There has never been a time that I was taken away by an ambulance because I was sick. I ensure that I eat more herbs, and they have made me stay fit and strong.

That's good!!

Also, one should exercise to stay fit. I do yoga in the morning to keep my body flexible and fit. One should drink lots of water in a day to keep the body hydrated. People normally don't drink water in the winter, but they should not forget that it's equally important.
That's good!!

Also, one should exercise to stay fit. I do yoga in the morning to keep my body flexible and fit. One should drink lots of water in a day to keep the body hydrated. People normally don't drink water in the winter, but they should not forget that it's equally important.
Exercise is great. I usually cycle for some minutes during the evenings to clear my head I'm not sure about the water part though. We don't have winters in my country.
Yes, exercise is good for the body. You need to drink lots of water in order to keep your body hydrated. Also, water helps in taking out the toxins from the body.

I remember few years back I had to do an ambulance for my father-in-law as he was having breathing problems.