Discussion Hub

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Have you ever been taken away by an ambulance because of an illness?

Oh yes I have, when I was in high school. I got seriously injured when playing a game, first aid treatment was not enough so I had to be taken to the hospital with an ambulance.
I remember I went in an ambulance along with my son, who had an accident and was severely injured. I and my wife went along with him in the ambulance. That was once I went into an ambulance. I hope I will not find any need for the same in the future.
I have been taken to the hospital through an ambulance. That was when I was coming to this world for the first time. LOL Well, on a serious nite, I have been once rushed to a hospital through an ambulance once when I had a high fever.
No never, but would have no issue putting someone else into one if they had it coming to them. :cool:
No, I have never been rushed to the hospital by an ambulance infact I have never been admitted in the hospital due to any sickness I don't usually fall sick and when I do I just receive medications and went back home.
Thankfully this has never happened to me and I hope I don't experience this for me or for anyone near and dear
No and I am not praying to be a victim and taken by the ambulance
No I have not been taken away because of an illness through ambulance because most my family intend to use traditional medicines such as herbal and so on and for me I think it's good now a days
I have never been taken away by ambulance so far and I never been admitted to a hospital because I don't have any health condition
No one would have liked to travel in the ambulance. I wish I may never get in the situation where I may be taken to the hospital through ambulance.
I have experienced this in the previous months and it was my first time when I was in an ambulance and was sent to the hospital because I was sick