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Have you ever been a victim of a natural disaster?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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There are countries where natural disasters happen often. There are part of world where they have earthquakes, flood, sandstorm and so many more.

Have you ever been a victim of such disasters or do you know anyone who faced such and survived?
Earthquakes usually happen in New Zealand once in a while. We experienced one in October or November last year if I remembered correctly. I haven't been affected by any of them in a bad way yet.
I believe Covid 19 was a natural disaster and I did catch it. Fortunately I am young and healthy enough to come out okay, but others didn’t. So guess to some extent I have been a victim.

But there’s a lot worse going on in the world
I believe Covid 19 was a natural disaster and I did catch it. Fortunately I am young and healthy enough to come out okay, but others didn’t. So guess to some extent I have been a victim.

But there’s a lot worse going on in the world

While I never had that scenario where I had to do more in terms of being affected health wise by the covid-19 era, my business was seriously affected. I had to close my poultry farm then because of the low turn out of sales, and I have been working on recovering little by little since then.
No, I have not been a victim of a natural disaster. I am fortunate to have lived in areas that are not prone to such events. However, I empathize with those who have experienced the devastation caused by natural disasters and offer my support to them.
I would consider myself among the lucky ones who never witnessed or being involved with natural disasters. I have not been a victim of a natural disaster because of God's mercies for the part of the world where I live. Natural disasters are tough to escape especially if they caused a lot havoc.
Fortunately, I did not become a victim, but I witnessed a very strong hailstorm that continued for an hour and it was so strong that it damaged my car very much, and also because of it, I lost all the crops that my family had in their own garden
Whenever and wherever a natural disaster struck, there will be so much loss of property and if care isn't taken, it will cost some people's lives. We cannot question God for those who believe and worship him if not, we would ask so many questions why he allowed for natural disasters to exist.
I have never been a victim of any kind of natural disaster, however, once, my father and siblings were trapped in earthquake zone. They were not injured or experienced any damages in the property but they had to live in earth prone zone for a week, where there were over 100 major and minor tremors in a period of one week.
I have watched so many news of where there was an earthquake. It's a devastating natural disaster which is capable of killing everyone who was caught up in the centre of it. I pray that I will never live to see myself trapped in a zone where an earthquake happened.
If the earthquake had not occurred in such densely populated areas, then there would not have been so many victims, because mostly the deaths were caused by the destruction of houses, which, moreover, were not built very well
I have watched so many news of where there was an earthquake. It's a devastating natural disaster which is capable of killing everyone who was caught up in the centre of it. I pray that I will never live to see myself trapped in a zone where an earthquake happened.
If the earthquake had not occurred in such densely populated areas, then there would not have been so many victims, because mostly the deaths were caused by the destruction of houses, which, moreover, were not built very well

Even if there is no death caused by an earthquake because it did not happen in a densely populated area as you put it, the place where it affects will ruined for a long period of time. The road will no longer be used and there will not be any kind of business done in that place for a long time.
I've been affected by flood once. It wasn't too bad but I had water in my living room. It took about 4 hours for the water to flow away.
Flood as a natural disaster is better than fire as a natural disaster 100 times. It's possible to recover some of your home Items which have been carried away by flood but when it's fire accident, it's going to burn everything to ashes and leave nothing for you.
I've been affected by flood once. It wasn't too bad but I had water in my living room. It took about 4 hours for the water to flow away.
For me, the flood has always been the biggest fear, because if the water is very high, it destroys the structure of the walls and all the material from which the house is made suffers a lot, and then there is a great risk that it may collapse
The magnitude or the extent of the flood is what is going to determine if it is going to be very dangerous for those whom have been affected by that heavy water but when it's something small, it is not going to be that dangerous compared to other kind of natural disasters that can dismantle anything that it touches like an earthquake.
I've been affected by flood once. It wasn't too bad but I had water in my living room. It took about 4 hours for the water to flow away.
I have seen cases where people after such an incident could simply rot the floor and needed a lot of money to restore it. Did you need to rebuild anything after this flood?
I have often gotten red itchy eyes, and hacking and coughing due to forest fires but that's about it.
There are countries where natural disasters happen often. There are part of world where they have earthquakes, flood, sandstorm and so many more.

Have you ever been a victim of such disasters or do you know anyone who faced such and survived?
I have never been a victim of natural disasters but I always sympathize with those who fall victims as it isn't in anyway their fault, they were just being unlucky..
I believe God has been faithful to me and have never let me be put to shame with the series of natural disasters that I read on the internet.

There was a building that collapsed next street some weeks ago and I can't imagine that there were lives that got lost there as well.