Discussion Hub

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"Friends" who talk behind your back?

Happens a lot. But that's life! you learn how to spot these kind of people and just don't make them feel important.
Well said, besides for them to talk behind your back it means you have some worth. No one waste their time talking about someone who is not important.
Yes, I have had people talk behind my back in the past. I told them something in full confidence and the next thing I knew everyone knew about the situation. Which is why I keep to myself now.
I also had such friends and such situations. However, this happened a long time ago, because now I am much older and I have only sincere people whom I trust. Then there was a period when I made a lot of friends, so I could not be sure of the sincerity of everyone
I have come to accept that humans would always be humans. And I don't tend to expect much from them. If any friend decides to be gossiping about me at my back, that is his or her own cup of tea. Because I would always endeavour to do good to all my friends.
Yes Its happen to me and that was a part of the major reason why i decided not to have close relationship with any one in fact i don't trust anyone for now
If that is his behavior, I do not consider him to be a friend. It usually occurs at work, and since there are a lot of flatterers there and they see it as a simple way to move on and acquire appreciation, I don't think of my fellow employees as friends.
It is a very big act of cowardice for someone to start talking behind you. That mean they don't have the balls to confront you face to face. Any person that demonizes me in my back is not worthy of being called a friend.