How do they explain the northern and southern lights, internet, cable TV, sunsets, you name it? This would be a treat to know. Anyone have thoughts?
Oh, is the earth flat?
Oh, is the earth flat?
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There are some people who have to believe conspiracies about everything. Anything that is widespread accepted has to be rejected.What is truly flat is the heads of those that still think that the earth is flat.
What is truly flat is the heads of those that still think that the earth is flat.
Are you serious? Didn't know that about this cult of a people. It can be stupidity and also lack of knowledge because if they have read, there will be more reasons that will guide them.Never met any flat earth believers, either online or offline, but I kn ow there is a cult following over this. They are not guided by reasons, they are the prime examples of stupidity.
Yes, there are groups of people who practice flat earth theory just like people follow religion. There are also group of people who do not believe in Darwin's evolution theory, they believe what is exactly said in the Bible that God created Adam in full body and took Adam's rib to make Eve.Are you serious? Didn't know that about this cult of a people. It can be stupidity and also lack of knowledge because if they have read, there will be more reasons that will guide them.
Every folk can believe whatever they feel like to believe. We are working with written papers and not instructions or directions from any supernatural being. I believe in what is written in the Bible.Yes, there are groups of people who practice flat earth theory just like people follow religion. There are also group of people who do not believe in Darwin's evolution theory, they believe what is exactly said in the Bible that God created Adam in full body and took Adam's rib to make Eve.
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