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Do you wear glasses?


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Sep 23, 2023
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Do you wear glasses? If so, how long have you been wearing glasses? Do you wear them at all times or only sometimes? Do you care about wearing glasses or not?

I wear glasses at all times. I first started wearing them 5 years ago but I only started wearing them at all times a little over 3 years ago. It’s become a habit now so I don’t even realise that I’m wearing glasses anymore - it’s just a part of me.
Nope but my spouse wears them and I think they look great on them. I've always found women with glasses attractive myself lol. Now technically I am supposed to wear glasses, I took an eye exam when I was in elementary school and had to get glasses though I haven't worn them since I was 14 which was almost 20 years ago now. I can see fine without them.
No, although I suspect I will have to in the coming years!
No, but i will for sure in the coming years. All those years using the computer at night without lights will sure make me pay! X_x
I've never had any need to wear glasses. My eyes are like that of a hawk.
Yes, I wear glasses. I used to wear glasses all the time but now I only have to wear glasses when working, reading or gaming.
I love glasses so I want to be able to wear them all the time but can't as I have different lenses now.
Yes, I have been wearing glasses since I was 10 years old. I started having eyes problems at that age. I'm still struggling with the eye problem today.
No, I don't wear glasses and I hope never to wear one. My grandma was 105 years old when she died and she never wore glasses for once in her life.
I have no reason to wear any kind of glasses. There's no one in my family who has an eye problem. My eyes are well taken care of and I do my best not to fix my eyes on screen for too long because it's part of the things which causes eye problems for so many people.
Yes, I wear glasses all the time. It's been over 10 years now since I've been wearing glasses. I don't care about wearing glasses because I feel they somehow elevate my looks and personality. People who wear glasses and have confidence on their faces are taken more seriously. So, it helps me pass my message to the person at the receiving end more effectively.
I have only worn fancy glasses as a result of the fact that I had a place to go and needed to wear glasses so as to belong to what is happening at the event. This means that I have not worn a glass because I need an aid to always see what is happening. I have a friend that can never see clearly unless she put on a glass and there are times I wish she has a solution to it.
I wear glasses most of the time. I need a glass for reading or surfing on the internet to protect my eyes or even a glass when there is a lot of sun on the street to protect my eyes. I am not able to read without sunglass.
I have only worn fancy glasses as a result of the fact that I had a place to go and needed to wear glasses so as to belong to what is happening at the event. This means that I have not worn a glass because I need an aid to always see what is happening. I have a friend that can never see clearly unless she put on a glass and there are times I wish she has a solution to it.
My mother bought me so many of those fancy eye glasses when I was a kid. I can remember everything about all of them till date. There was one which used to glow in the night because it has LED lights which was used to decorate it. Those glasses were a thing of fun to me.
I'm actually glad that I still have very good vision and don't need to wear glasses, but from time to time I wear glasses without lenses for style because I like it sometimes even though it's not very comfortable if I wear a hat
I'm actually glad that I still have very good vision and don't need to wear glasses, but from time to time I wear glasses without lenses for style because I like it sometimes even though it's not very comfortable if I wear a hat

Old age is what I know to be capable of making someone need to wear glasses once they have reached that stage in their lives. If you are lucky not to have any kind of eye problems until you are in your old age, it's a big blessing which you should be appreciative of.
I do not wear glasses, my eyes are perfectly fine. I have been working on computer for ages, yet I have never experienced any vision problems. However, when I was in my early teens I used to wear glasses. My eyes had axis problem which required me to wear glass. I think I wore glasses for 6 months.
I do not wear glasses, my eyes are perfectly fine. I have been working on computer for ages, yet I have never experienced any vision problems. However, when I was in my early teens I used to wear glasses. My eyes had axis problem which required me to wear glass. I think I wore glasses for 6 months.
Do you have a nice picture on the screen? Because I've been using a low resolution screen for years and now I feel like mine is much worse now but I still don't need glasses. Do you use protective glasses of the monitor or not?
I do not wear glasses, my eyes are perfectly fine. I have been working on computer for ages, yet I have never experienced any vision problems. However, when I was in my early teens I used to wear glasses. My eyes had axis problem which required me to wear glass. I think I wore glasses for 6 months.

If you take good care of yourself and your eyes in your youthful life, there will be a slim chance of having any kind of eye problems. I dread eye surgery because if it's not done well, it might result in becoming blind. Blindness is the worst thing that can happen to anyone.
No I don't use glasses, though my eyesight is not all that great but I can still move around and carry out majority of my jobs perfectly well without any issue or a need for glasses.

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