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Do you watch The World Snooker Championships?



Sep 23, 2023
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Every year in April, we see The World Snooker Championships that usually ends on May Day each year. This is something I enjoy watching each year to see not only older players still do well in this championship but to also see the new and upcoming snooker players too.

Do you watch The World Snooker Championships?
Oh wow, I was not even aware snooker game also had world championship competitions and the likes. I have never watched anyone though. Not really a fan of these games.
I was not aware that there is a World Championship for Snookers too. This comes like an interesting fact for me. I know about tournaments for Billiards. My husband loves to play snooker and billiards. I must tell him about this World Championship. I am not sure if he is aware of that.
Yeah but it has been a while now because right now I cannot even remember how the game look like talk less of knowing the players and which country team is my best again but I will try my best to look in to it