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Do you use public transport?

@Ginger How do you get to work each day?

I have not taken public transportation for the past 15 to 20 years. In the past, before I had a car, I would take the bus to work. There used to be a lot of people in the bus, and I used to sweat and get soaked. I dislike traveling by public transportation.
My office is not so far away so I travel by motorbike and it only takes 15-20 mins so it is the best option for me and I don't even prefer to travel via a bus
That's good. When you live in a congested area like I do, it's better to use a two-wheeler. For a short distance, it's not preferable to travel by bus. Do you have Metro at your place? It's a good way to commute, but not during office hours, @Ginger.
No we don't have metro as yet but maybe soon but since it does not take me long to travel to office so I prefer to move with my bike and I even drove with cycle once or twice lol
It's a superior choice. You seem to be concerned about your health 😅

Since my workplace is 25 kilometers from my house, I will never consider riding a bicycle there. Since my school was two to three kilometers away and using a bicycle was viewed as an indicator of wealth back then, I frequently traveled there on bicycle.😅
That's true. My dad had to keep his car aside and use public transport. It gets worse for those that have cars with excessively high fuel consumption. Public transportation becomes a cheaper alternative in such circumstances.
Yes, and it is very sad when you think about it. Imagine having a car but you cannot drive it because of fuel scarcity. That means the comfort that is supposed to come with having a car is gone at that particular time.
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