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Do you use meditation in your fitness routine?



Oct 30, 2023
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Do you see any benefits of incorporating meditation into a fitness routine. Well, meditation can help reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance self-awareness, which can support overall well-being and performance in fitness activities. By using metditation as a way to keep your mind fit and body relaxed, you may also find it easier to listen to you body and make healthier choices. Do you use meditation in fitness routine?
I have tried using meditation when I am working out but it is not something my body is used to which is why I no longer including meditation in my working out routine. I engage in more of activity based drills whatever I am working out because it is what is perfect for my body and I have adapted to such working out drills easily.
This is how I do it because this way I manage to forget about my problems, I always want to be focused on my own training and think only about the present moment in which I am and it is very calming
I have never done this before, but I heard it does work wonders, so maybe one of these days I might actually give it a go and see the effects for myself.
Absolutely, meditation plays an integral role in my overall fitness practice. Before or after a workout, I take 10-15 minutes to sit in quiet meditation. This helps me center my mind, release any stress or tension, and prepare mentally for the physical exertion ahead.
Absolutely, meditation plays an integral role in my overall fitness practice. Before or after a workout, I take 10-15 minutes to sit in quiet meditation. This helps me center my mind, release any stress or tension, and prepare mentally for the physical exertion ahead.
Hmmm maybe I should give this a try. Am always working against time so I hardly have enough time to meditate and all that.