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Do you think being polite is considered a weakness by people?



Apr 30, 2024
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Unfortunately, due to beliefs or cultural influences, some people may view politeness as a weakness. A few people may take advantage of someone else's courtesy, giving the impression to others that being nice leaves you open to abuse. It happens with me many times and I have to let realise people that my politeness is not my weakness. Do you also think so? Have someone ever taken an advantage of you being polite?
I do feel this and many times we feel the person who is so polite is some loser or not well or like that but instead we should appreciate the person
Actually you are right and sometimes I usually think so but also my politeness is not also my weakness because I always like to encouraged or appreciate others
I am never polite LOL and like to just talk and never add the flavor of politeness but I should think of it too and its important to speak politely
For some persons, they might actually see it as a weakness, but I don't see it that way. It takes someone who is strong to be polite, even in situations where being polite is not called for.
Sometimes we also feel amazed at such persons because they will talk politely with everyone even with those that are so low in rank but actually we all should do that
Yes and that's actually the best thing to do. I see people with all their wealth or influence, they still remain humble always.
Some people actually see people that are polite as being weak. They actually believe that strong people should be always displaying aggressive behaviour. They don't understand that mental strength might not be a public show as they think.
Being polite is a very good and reserved quality in human being. It's never a sign of weakness but a sign of strength. It takes so much courage and strength for you to be polite when someone is disrespectful.
Being polite can never be seen as a sign of weakness rather it can be seen as one of the moral value that we need to inculcate in our life.
Yes. People nowadays don't value when somebody is polite. They will think they can do whatever they want with you because you are not setting limits and over time they will treat you like an insects.
Yes. People nowadays don't value when somebody is polite. They will think they can do whatever they want with you because you are not setting limits and over time they will treat you like an insects.
I have been disrespected so many times because I am polite to the people. It is not that I can't do anything within my power to make the person pay for what they did.
I don't think being polite should be considered as being weakness by people. It's a very good thing to be polite and respectful to persons that you deal with. You don't know who might be your helper tomorrow.
As someone that works in retail and has to deal with the general public on a regular basis, I'm going to have to disagree on that. It's not weak to act polite............I think it's just how people should act when they're out in public.

Dealing with people all day is exhausting......it gets much, much worse when people come into your store and act a fool. You're not going to be able to keep very many people working in your store if people are going to continue to act rude and crude and socially unacceptable all day long. No one wants to deal with that kind of abuse (emotionally and mentally).